Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Kids

My kids just told me that I am supposed to blog about them today, so I guess that's what I will do.

After my little episode with the bacterial infection, I made a comment to the doctor that I am a pro at internal exams. I know, gross. But it's true. After having issues with cervical pre cancer for years, I have had many. The doctor scoffed at this and said that I must have something else that I was good at. She took this comment as me being upset about not being good at anything, which was not what I was implying at all, but whatever. I then told her that I was an amazing Mom, and if you talk to my kids, you know this is true.

I am not saying that my kids are perfect by any means, nor am I a perfect mother, but I am damn good. Last night my daughter woke up at 3am with the worst headache she has ever had. I gave her a crushed up tylenol, because she doesn't like to swallow them whole and a bit of Fanta. What else goes well with tylenol, really. I laid with her while her Dad rubbed her head. He had to get back to bed and she asked me to sleep with her, so I did. Both my daughter and my husband commented that it was so sweet of me to sleep with her. I just did what she asked, and really, I'd do anything for her, and my son. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but I guess it's little things like that, that make me a great Mom.

I did punish the kids yesterday for acting like boneheads in Canadian Tire - the punishment was that they had to go to Pier One with me. I'm so mean. I also made my son go on a very long bike ride yesterday. He didn't want to so I told him, "guess what, tough shit, you're going". He had a great time, like I knew he would. See, I'm not all good!

My kids are so much fun, they are sweet and kind, they are smart and funny. I love those kids with all of my heart and I treasure every second that I get to spend with them. That's why I love summer, they are all mine all the time. I do get a bit put out when too many other people want to spend time with us, because I don't like to share them. When they go back to school I am ok with it, and I do look forward to the free time to myself, but when I get them back, I am happy.

One thing I don't understand is people who criticize their kids to other people. Why would you tell someone that your kid is awful and that you don't really like them? If you have an issue, by all means, discuss it with your friends, but don't ever tell other people that your kids are awful. What if they heard that? Or those people who bad mouth their kids IN FRONT of their kids. Yeah, that's going to make your kids feel loved. I am the first one to call my sister and say that my kids are driving me insane, but I would never tell anyone that it was because they are awful kids.

My kids are awesome because they know they are loved. They feel safe and secure because they have rules, and that makes them feel loved. They know that I would do anything to keep them safe and happy. They are not perfect, but they are mine and I adore them. That being said, I am going to go back to spending time with them, because that makes ME feel loved.

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