Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Princess and the Pea

I finally have to admit it, I have become a princess. Now if you ask my husband, he would tell you that I have been a princess for a very long time. But that is just not true. I am not high maintenance, I am not that picky and I don't spend money like a princess.

I realized the other day that I am a princess when my sun glasses were a millimeter off, they weren't open quite the full amount, and I was so bothered, I had to take them off and adjust them. Some other clues that have lead me to this decision were a small rock in my shoe, a thread that had come off in my sock, and my pillow placement being just a hair off.

I cannot tell you how much it irks me when things aren't "just so".

I have also started to carry my bag differently, if you watch me next time you see me, you'll know what I mean. I carry it less like a football and more like a thing of beauty. My taste in clothes has become more dressy, I can wear some heels, and my taste buds are more refined. You might think that I am turning into a snob, but no, I have been a snob for many years, only the princess thing is new. I swear, if you put a pea under my mattress, I would feel it.

Luckily this doesn't affect anyone but me...... and my husband. He is the one that has to watch me prance around with my purse, take the imperfections away from me before I have a moment, and buy me the new clothes. I don't think he minds, he may have a different story, but he is wrong.

I have truly become "one of those women". A trophy wife, if you will. A lady who lunches. It's not my fault, my husband wanted me to stop working, he gave me all control over the finances, and he wanted me to be happy. I am very happy as a princess! He even calls me princess, but I am not sure he means it the way I take it. It's not a bad life, quite nice actually. Just be wary of any new signs that I may be taking it too far. You know, a gold cigarette holder, calling everyone darling and wanting to be waited on hand and foot. Now would some one please get me a dry martini!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Spice Wellness again...

I know this is the 3rd time I have posted about this facility - but I have a really good reason. I went for a massage there the other day - I joined the massage a month club - it gets me a massage a month for only $65. That is a wicked deal as massages are usually $100 and up, for a good one. So I got there and there was a new person for the massage, not David! So I was a bit disappointed until she started. Her name is Tammy, and I swear, she might even be better than David. She bruised me up a bit trying to get a knot out, but she got it. Not many people can claim that they can hurt me during a massage, but she did. It was still worth it. She also did a really good job on my feet.

I've had a tune up for my feet with laser treatment, and I think I am going to have to do that more often. With getting older, no jokes please, running, playing soccer and doing all the other stuff I do, my body is in constant pain. Between massages, laser treatment and some Tylenol and Advil, I should be able to manage. Just don't make me give up any of those remedies!

Monday, June 13, 2011

9 days and I can't get off the phone

I have precisely 9 days until I leave on my summer vacation, and I can't seem to get off the phone! Did I leave everything to the last minute? No, but changes happen and I am the lucky one that gets to take care of said changes.

We've reduced our Budapest stay to 3 days, which I have mixed feelings about. I love Budapest, but the family there drives me crazy. So in reducing the stay there, we add an extra day to a little village right outside of the Munich airport. Now why on earth would we do this? Well this little village happens to have great shopping and the most amazing indoor water park. We found it by accident last year and the kids can't wait to go there again. Besides, we love villages. They are so cute and quaint, they are not crowded and we can walk everywhere. We stay in this town every year because it is so close to the airport, and we just fell in love with it the first time we stayed there.

So 9 days left, I have to clean the house, I am doing the laundry, and I have been on the phone for over and hour! I have changed one hotel reservation, I still have to do another, I can't get through to Telus to cancel a free channel, and I have to talk to visa to see where the heck my company visa went! My neck is killing me from holding the phone to my ear. I wish I had a hands free set for the house, but I don't.

I am finally off the phone after I had 2 different calls going and now I am free to clean the house, wait for more calls to come in and try Telus again. This day has not gone according to plan as of yet. Ahhhgg. I'll try to keep it together. If you see me today and I am muttering....just 9 more days, 9..9...9 more days, that is why!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What a crazy week!

This week started out nice and easy but went into full chaos by Tuesday! Soccer every night, but not just soccer, boot camp and field trips, soccer out of town on a weeknight. Total chaos. I am happy to announce that the crazy week will come to close for us tomorrow night. It starts again on Saturday, but for one blissful night, I have quiet, family time. Thank goodness.

This week I applied for the Top Travel Blogger of Calgary. Unfortunately I didn't make it to the top five and get myself into a spot that I could have been voted for. The good news is that I am ok with that, I even voted for one of the people that did make it. I think the thing for me was to not make it in necessarily, but to just apply. It was a non paid position, but the winner gets free tickets to events and restaurants all over Calgary, and then they blog about it. I would have been good at it, but I am not bitter or upset at all.

One of the reason's that I kind of wanted that spot was just so that people saw my stuff. Yeah, it kind of bugs me that I have very few followers and that my blog is not all that popular. I mean really, shouldn't I have gone viral by now? How does that even happen anyway? Some of the things that go viral are just....for lack of a better word...dumb. There was a girl singing a song, I won't name any names as I have forgotten hers, but I didn't think she was all that good. And she sang a song that had words that I don't even think she knew the meaning of. I don't think she knew the real meaning of the song for that matter. But she was a kid and she sang, big deal! That went viral? Come on!

So maybe I am a bit bitter, but that's not because I didn't win a spot, it's not! It's just that I kind of want people to read my blog and have it make them think something new. Does that make sense? Well it's my blog and it makes sense to me, so there!

Ok, so I went on a bit of tangent, but that's how crazy this week has been. We've been eating supper at 9pm most nights, the kids haven't gotten nearly enough sleep, I am so confused all the time, I'm not sure where I am most of the day! And I think I forgot how to drive well. I parallel parked today and it was not pretty. I am usually so good at that! Tomorrow will be good, I will get my errands done and I will be one day closer to vacation. I will breathe and be calm, until the next chaos storm hits!