Monday, December 28, 2009

All inclusive Holidays...Pros and cons

So we just returned from our all inclusive holiday in the Mayan Riviera. Now I have some very strong feelings about this trip. It was fabulous! My daughter has asked me several times to stop saying fabulous, but I can't, and I really don't want to! Pros of the trip - free flowing drinks including alcohol, which I did partake in. They had Pina Coloda's on tap! What could I do? All you can eat buffets, great beaches, fab water sports, sun, massages, an overall relaxing atmosphere, fun shows(or funny if you can see the humor), great soccer field, not too many clocks. Those are the pros, there's lots of them Cons? Lots of stupid people and their even stupider (is that a word) kids. Crying babies, people fighting for unlimited food. They aren't going to run out!!! Overall the vacation was a great time, the hotel was great, the locals nice and very amusing. Will I give Europe up to go back? Probably not. I'd go in addition to Europe though! You can't compare the 2 holidays, so I won't. I just would like both, I'm not asking for much! So it was great, highly recommended, just beware the stupid people. But alas, they are everywhere.
I will leave you with the funny things that we heard on our trip. Those Mexicans play up their stereo types, and they do it quite on purpose. At the dive shop I overheard this exchange. "Excuse sir, where is the bathroom?". Picture this in the best Mexican accent "Oh man, it's in the bushes! No man I'm just kidding!" Hmm...that sounds better when I say it out loud. That's ok, you get the picture.
So I am off on another whirlwind trip. No, not another vacation. Back to the old hometown for some post Christmas visiting. And that's why I am sitting at my computer and putting it off. Pray for me!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

if the weather won't come to me...

I'll go to the weather. So I had a nice calm day before I leave. I was in panic mode, and now it seems that my body has responded with some much needed internal Valium! Yea me! I had a lovely coffee with a Dad of my daughter's friend. You know those people that you meet, and for whatever reason you spill your guts to them? Well he got the life story. Strange how that happens. I got a much needed haircut, a good one too - a surprise for short notice. I got all my errands done and had a chance to relax. It won't take me long to pack and I'm off for sunny beaches tomorrow morning! All the planets must be in alignment! I hope you all enjoy the snow, call me what you want, but I am outta here! See you in a week.

Monday, December 14, 2009


I have a tendency to over worry, get a bit paranoid and feel like I am spinning out of control when I don't have enough time to do what needs to be done. Yes, I am talking about packing. Not Christmas...this year, I am in total control of my Christmas. All that needs to be done is done, all that is left is wrapping and the actual date. I am off to Mexico in 2 days and I haven't packed a thing. I do this every time. Well sometimes I pack in advance, sometimes I pack in my head, and all the time I make my lists. But when we get down to the wire, I start to panic. And with good reason this time. I haven't packed a thing! But really, what could I need? A bikini, a book, what else is there really? Ok, I feel better.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Things I don't like

I don't like to live without the internet. I can, I just REALLY don't want to! My connection went down yesterday and I panicked! The TV wasn't working, no big deal, but to live without email?? And internet? How will I bank? How will I contact people?? Oh the stress. So I call Telus and get a wait time of 4 days. 4 DAYS!!!! I go on with my day. I come home again and call Telus again. They get the wait time to 1 day. Sigh of relief! So last night was a crazy night. We had a family emergency, and then the Telus guy calls. Hey...I can be there in a hour, will that work? Um, yeah....I've got work to do! So I haul my sweet little god son over to my house, he reorganizes my video cabinet....and the straws...and anything he can get his hands on! The Telus guy works his magic and I am back up and running. Phew. I can live without the Internet, but only when the proper people have been advised that I am, and how can I possibly do that without the internet??

Monday, December 7, 2009

Irrational Fears

I am afraid of my pantry. I know, it's silly, but what can I do? How can I conquer my fears? Now please allow me to explain, I do have a reason. One night, I was multitasking. A habit that I have, and cannot get away from. I brought my big garbage bag in the house to get all the garbage dumped in there quickly. You may have guessed already, but there was a mouse in that garbage! It jumped out of the bag and scurried around the house like a little....well, like a terrified mouse. I dare say I was a bit more on edge. I do have a "mouse scream". It is unmistakable. So this mouse runs around my sanitized house, and touches everything as I am screaming. After what felt like hours, my dear sweet husband caught the damn thing and got it outside. 2 days later, I learned that the kids both have the "mouse scream'' too. They opened the garage door and a mouse flew out of the garbage and freaked them out. So I have been dreaming of mice, I am afraid of the basement and I am seriously afraid of the pantry. Irrational? Maybe. But I'm still scared! Do I tell myself that they cannot hurt me? Well I know that! But what if it touches me and I get a disease?? They are filthy little creatures! So that's it....every time I go into the pantry I flinch. Same with the basement. Last night I stepped on my husband's slippers in the body clenched. There is no point here, no practical solution. Ok, maybe one.....don't be dumb like me and bring garbage in from the outside!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Practical Solutions + Things I like = Planet Box

Planet Box is my practical solution to school lunches. Not "mine", I didn't make it, but I found it and I'm happy to share. The Planet box (see "links I like" for the link) is a lunch kit and is the best invention ever! It's a stainless steel container with compartments of different sizes. It closes with a latch, and once latched, it secures the food in their compartments. They are dishwasher safe, environmentally friendly, and the best darn thing that ever happened to school lunches. There's no garbage at the end of lunch and they are the perfect size for a kid's lunch. I just couldn't be happier that I found this product. I was thrilled when I found that they deliver to Canada...which a lot of US companies won't do. I know, we're Canadians, we're not evil. The price is good, especially since they are used daily and seem to wear really well. My kids have been using theirs for months and they love them. Tell your friends with school aged kids, they will thank you for it!

If you know the newer Little Rscal's Movie....sing along

I have 2 follower's,I have 2 follower's, I have 2 follower's hey hey hey hey

Magic Car

So I leave my friends house, and gaze at the brown wonder in her driveway. My new Volvo. I need to think of a new name for the color brown. So I saunter over to the brown wonder, not taking my keys out of my purse and open the locked door. I start up the car, punch a few buttons on the dash and am connected by phone, to my husband. We talk, hang up and I drive away. All this without a key! Am I magic? Sadly, no. But as the car has all these cool safety features, I have key less everything. Except I don't know how to lock it without the key. I said I wasn't magic! I love technology. How did I ever get by without all this? I remember when I was in high school, I thought of the best invention. It was a system in which I could pick a song, and have it recorded so I could listen to it. Back in my day, we had to tape stuff of the radio and get stuck with the stupid announcer's voice in all the best songs. But a few years ago, my invention was made possible by itunes, and other downloading forum's. I carry my pink ipod wherever I go and carry a piece of magic with me. Kids these days don't understand, they've always had that technology at their fingertips. To me, it's magic pure and simple!

Monday, November 30, 2009


So many reasons to celebrate! I have a stalker..I mean follower! It looks like a shadowy stalker, but that's ok...I know who it is. Another hooray - I just brought home my brand new Volvo XC 60! It's awesome. It has bluetooth, which I actually know what that is and how to use it. It has Nav...although I am sure I will still get lost, or as I like to call it, "go on adventures", from time to time. I love it. The only thing I am not thrilled about is the color. My son calls it the Poopy Poo, so yes, it is brown. But hey, brown's making a comeback! Well, no, it's not, but whatever. I am a rebel.


So my husband thinks I am OCD. I'm not sure why. It might have something to do with the way I check email. I check it, and then hit send/receive about 15 times. Is that OCD??? Come on! I just think that there is someone out there that is emailing me and if I don't hit send/receive a dozen times, it might not get to me. I'm bored. Not technically bored. As my Mom would say, there's always cleaning to do. And as it is, my house looks like a small herd of water buffalo just ran through here and had snacks while they were at it. So yes, I have stuff to do. Is it anything I want to do? No. But I have so many things that "need" to be done, where do I start? And what will make me feel happy and satisfied when it's done? Laundry isn't cutting it, the house is just going to get messy again, and the bank will be there later. Besides, I already did stuff today.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


So this is typical of me. I start something, then I don't have time to do anything about it. I have to go grocery shopping, one of the endless tasks that has taken over my life. Poor husband just took off to soccer thinking we were going with him. One look at me should have told him I wasn't. Daughter was playing with my hair, and I am in my transition outfit. You know, the one between clothes and pyjamas. The one I can be seen in only if certain rules apply. Rule #1 I am in my house and you come to the door. Rule #2 I am wearing a jacket and a hat over said outfit. Rule #3 It's an emergency Rule #4 I am going to the gym, really actually on my way to the gym.
So that being said. I must check the fridge and the pantry and see what we need. Do I want to think about cooking and lunches right now? No. Maybe I'll pick up some much needed ice cream while I'm there......

Getting started

So I'm blogging. I have no idea what I'm doing, but people think I'd be interesting. Let's see!