Thursday, March 1, 2012

My week off

I took this whole week off of my life as I know it. I was at the new Science Centre in Calgary for 3 days in a row on a field trip with my son's class.

I made good healthy lunches and breakfast's, I'm sure walking around, and going up and down stairs all day is some exercise, but this week was unlike my normal routine in many ways. This week I actually used my brain more than I have in a VERY long time! I did have to take a nap everyday this week after school, I was ravenous at night, I didn't get anything done around the house, and we ran out of things like hand lotion and school snacks. But it was worth it!

I am not the kind of parent that sits back and just supervises the kids. I sat with them on the floor, laid on my belly to write in our journals, made movies in the Open Studio and played with everything I could get my hands on. (I also got to meet the cute, tall weather guy off Global news that I watch every morning. He probably thought I was crazy!) The kids know that I am enjoying myself and I had such a good time! I made a bunch of movies with rocks....not rock movies....movies with rocks, and I made a movie with a pencil drawing. It was the most brain stimulation of that kind that I've had ever! I've never done these things! My son makes stop time movies with Lego people and clay all the time, and I never understood why it was so much fun. I get it now.

I have always been very creative, but technology was a little out of my grasp. Today I found myself telling some of the kids about the things I have created and that I am an artist. I've never called myself that, but that is the only way to describe me. The kids saw the journal that I was supposed to be writing in, I wrote a lot over the 3 days and I sketched things and doodled. They wanted to know why I drew so much, and I told them because that is how I think. I learned a lot the last few days, but I think I taught a lot too. One boy, I've known him to be a bit of a trouble maker, he showed me what a leader he could be. I had a little chat with him and told him that was an amazing quality to have and to never feel bad about being a little bossy.

We have a saying in our house - my daughter was given a pillow with a phrase on it that suits her to a tee! It says "I'm not bossy, I just have better ideas!". I like to think that my husband and I are creating leaders, not just bossy little kids. Some of the best qualities of adults are the worst to deal with when it's a child with that quality. Another little girl was VERY honest, and while it can be a little embarrassing to deal with now, it will be amazing for her when she is an adult. She decided to ask me all about topless sunbathing that I do in Europe when we were eating lunch and then she asked about my tattoos! I'd love to talk to this kid without the other kids around, I think they made have been a little weirded out by our conversation! But to talk to her alone, that would be a very interesting conversation! This girl, as a side note, loves that I am an artist and has asked me to paint a picture for her for her birthday. I am going to start on that right away! I feel honoured that she asked.

So it was a busy week. Tomorrow I have to pick up a bunch of things, like bread and other essentials, and I think I deserve a little lunch out. I've worked hard this week. Next week I'll go back to watching myself, but tomorrow, I've earned lunch and maybe something pretty!

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