I sent out an email to get some help with a supper put on for the teachers of our school, by our social committee with the help of parent volunteers. Apparently my email offended someone, or many, so I've heard, no one came to me directly of course. I was polite - to the point, I asked for help because we weren't getting any. I sent it to people I had on my email list and asked the to forward my message. So let me ask - What the hell is wrong with that? I wasn't rude, I didn't tell all the parents that do nothing to stand up and do something for once! We have over 600 kids in our school and the same 10 people do the work every single time we have a function! Do the other parents just not care???? I know people are busy - I get that. I don't currently have a job - but even when I worked full time, I made sure that I helped out at school when I could. I'd go as far as taking my son to daycare just so I could go on a field trip with my daughter. Did I ever complain? NO!! Do you know why???? Because I care. I care about my kids, I care about their school, I care about what they are doing in school and I WANT to be a part of it. That is also another reason that I don't work - so I can be there for the kids. I know that isn't an option for all people, but I know at least 2 Moms at the school that work full time AND help out when they can. They do it because they care. They love what they do - they have career's, busy ones, and yet they find the time to help. Not all the time - that's unrealistic, but they help when they can fit it in.
Where the hell are the rest of the parents?? I think a lot of people are happy that they can send their kid to school so that they can forget about them, know they are being taken care of, and that's the end of their commitment. Maybe I am self righteous, maybe I am wrong - but in my heart, I know I'm not. I had kids because I wanted to love them and nurture them, be part of their lives.
I can't change the world, I know that. But I can stand up for what I believe. I do what I can for my kids, I try to help out other's when I can, I donate to organizations, I volunteer my time, I canvass for charity, I buy from fundraisers - because I am in a position to do so. It is my desire to help. All I expect is for people to stand up and do what THEY can. Stop being lazy asses, stop being 13 for one day and realize that YOU are the problem, not me! Stop complaining about how I offended you and ask yourself why you are offended. Do you know it's because I am right and you are too damn stupid to accept that or admit it? One person in particular should read this - but I know she won't. She is the one that's nice to my face and then turns on me and calls people to complain behind my back. She is the one that drives everyone crazy and no one can work with her. It's not us lady - it's all you! We're not the problem, the fact that you have no life and just live to create problems for others, that's the problem. You came to me because you couldn't work with the others - you had them ousted and put me in charge because you thought I'd be a pushover. Well surprise - I'm not! And I'm not going anywhere!
Now I feel much better. I'm glad I got that off my chest. I am never going to stop doing what I am doing, so either accept it or stay the hell out of my way!
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