Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cause for celebration!

The CPAP machine is GONE!!! I know that for some people it works wonders, but it just didn't for me. I had to take a sleeping pill every night just to go to sleep with it on. After I took the pill, I'd have to wander aimlessly, take a shower, or do anything but go to bed. I had to wait until I could barely walk before I could fall into bed, put my face mask on and fall asleep. If I wasn't practically asleep when I put the mask on, well it just didn't last. Most nights I'd wake up in the middle of the night just to take the mask off.

So that's one therapy down - hopefully there are more to try. I know there is a mouth guard - but I'll wait and see what the doctor thinks my next step should be. I also bought a SAD light. I think that I should just live somewhere tropical that is always sunny, but my husband has to work. I could go without him, but then I'd really be sad!

Maybe I'll start tanning again too - that's a good light therapy. I'm not sure if I can hang on until we finally get summer! I'll have to fantasize about my vacation for now!

I was going to have a glass of wine to celebrate, but I had coffee instead. I am so boring!

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