Thursday, December 30, 2010

So this is Christmas...

We had a lovely Christmas this year full of quiet time, naps, presents and Mass. We stayed home for the big day, built an igloo for 4 and had a lovely time! Then off to the parents house, more presents, lots of dancing and laughs, and back home. All in all, it was a great time. I am terribly happy to be home, I love being at home, but the whole Christmas "ordeal" wasn't such an ordeal after all. Some times I dread this time of year just because of all that has to be done, and it seems a bit of a struggle, but I have found a way out of that.

My plan this year was to slow down, relax and enjoy, and I did just that. I was calm and relaxed and the whole thing turned out to be lovely. Christmas was so nice, just my little family. Lots of presents, my turkey turned out great, and there was a great nap to be had! We went to Mass, and it was so beautiful. I ended up crying, just because I started to think and the whole environment makes me a bit emotional.

Then it was off to my parent's house, and that ended up being pretty good!

Overall, it was a great Christmas this year. We have a week left of being off, and I know I could use more time with the kids. Well I say that now! I just find that being a much calmer person really helps in times when things can get a bit crazy.

Happy holidays to all!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Last day of School!!!!!!

And here we are, the last day of school for this year! I am way more excited than the kids are! Why am I so excited? Well let's see...I get to have my kids all to myself for 2 weeks! I love those kids. But the added benefit of no school school lunches! They really get to me. Also, I get to sleep in, hang out in my jammies all day if I want. I get to go out and do fun stuff without being on the school time schedule. 2:45 school dismissal? That's practically lunch time! I get to watch Christmas movies, snuggle with the kids. Stay up late, turn the alarm clock off, go out for lunch..all that great stuff.

I love the fact that my kids love school, but I love it when they are home with me for those short little breaks. I don't cry when the kids go back anymore, because, let's face it, I have a nice life when they have school. But I do love to have them all to myself, and when they go back to school, I can look forward to that time to myself again. It's a Wonderful Life!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh Christmas cards...

They are on their way! I just printed off my little letter and I am off to write and sign Christmas cards. Some years I am super good at getting them out, some years I don't even send them, but I figure, as long as people get them before the end of the year...or February, it's all good! No one cares when they get them, as long as they get them? I'm not even sure people care, but I still send them because I am happy to announce to the world that I am happy! Take that world! Pamela is happy! Ha.

Why do I keep sending them anyway? I really wonder if half the people I send to even care that they get them. I love getting Christmas cards, I do! I just got one from my good friend Dawn, and she sent a picture, which I love! I love to hear about what is going on in her world because I don't get to talk to her very often. We may not see each other much, but she is always in my heart, she will always be my friend.

Some people, I just know that they don't care, so I actually stopped sending to those people. Not to name names, but I even took the time to make my own cards in a different language. Did I ever get a thank you? Nope. That isn't what bothers me the most - what really gets me was there was no acknowledgement that they even got it, nor did they EVER send a card back. Ok, that's my Christmas vent for now.

Aside from that, all plans are a go, Christmas will be lovely. I will get time alone with my sweet little family and I am even looking forward to going to my parents house.

So Merry Christmas for now - I'll probably be back before the actual day though!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Not my coffee!

I accidentally made coffee for my husband this morning with MY coffee. I am so scared that he might notice and request MY coffee from now on. I keep 2 canister's of coffee on the cupboard, MY coffee, which I buy for not so cheap, and I grind, and HIS coffee which is whatever is cheapest at Walmart. I know that his taste buds have been compromised due to the smoking(we won't even go there right now), but what if he does notice? I may have to do a blend for a while until I reduce it back to his coffee. He's a smart guy, but his observation skills at home are a bit lacking. (I actually hide his Christmas presents right in front of him.) So he wouldn't notice the blend I bet. Ok, calm down Pamela. Chances are, he didn't notice.

Update - he just called and didn't say a word about his coffee. Phew! What a load off my back!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bliss vs Crave Cupcakes

I love cupcakes, and anything sweet really. So today I am reviewing Bliss cupcakes compared to Crave cupcakes. Just in case you are at the mall or out shopping and you need a sweet treat.

I don't like to waste my money and my calories on stuff that isn't that great, that being said, if you are in need of a high calorie, super yummy treat, pick Crave over Bliss. I find that the Crave cupcakes are really moist and sweet, but not too sweet. The icing is fantastic, and you can scrape some off if it's too much for you. There are also tons of flavors to choose from. My preference is the Nutty over chocolate, which is a chocolate cupcake with peanut butter icing. YUM!

I was at Chinook Centre and there was no Crave in sight, so I chose to try Bliss. What a waste of calories. I had a chocolate cupcake with caramel icing. The icing was OK, but didn't have a whole lot of flavor, and if I didn't know it was caramel, I wouldn't have been able to tell by taste. The cupcake itself was OK, but not super moist and yummy.

The price point is about the same, but if I remember correctly, the Crave cupcakes might be a bit cheaper. The icing is way smoother and more flavorful at Crave, and the cupcakes themselves are moister. (is that a word?) Anyway, Crave cupcakes win hands down.

The only thing I should mention is that Crave has a nut warning as they are not made in a nut free environment, but the Bliss cupcakes are nut free and have been made in a nut free environment is you have allergy issues. So if you have allergies and need a sweet treat, you can go to Bliss...but I still wouldn't recommend it.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Bright Spot in the morning Commute

Every time it snows, there is an unknown (to me anyway) person that writes I love San D, or that name in the middle of a big heart, on Macleod Trail by Canyon Meadows.

Well it snowed about a week ago, and I was saddened to see no heart. But yesterday I drove by, and there it was! I don't know who does this, I don't know who they do it for, but it makes my day just a little bit happier every time I see it.

What a proclamation of love! It makes me smile to know someone out there is very loved, and for so long they have been loved. It reminds me of the people that I love, and the people that love me. It reminds me to make sure that I show the people that I love, how much I love them. And really, it just makes my day a little bit brighter!

So all you people out there that know I love them, I love you more than you know. I love you for being a part of my life, and I love you for all the great things that you have brought to my life.

Friday, November 19, 2010

You know you are a Canadian when...

You stop at a red light and you don't think it's weird when a bunch of people around you hop out of their vehicles....with their brooms... to clear their windshields.

I admit I laughed, but only because I've done the same thing. Admit it - if you are a true Canadian, you've had a broom in your car at some point just for that purpose!

Have a winter wonderland day!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Men and Women are so different

It's my husband's birthday and he couldn't care less. I bought him a nice gift, got him a cake and that's about it. Does he want to go out for supper? No. Why not? Well let's see, he doesn't have to ever cook, so what difference does it make it we go out or not? Did he go out for lunch? No - because I made his lunch. He doesn't want presents, although he was eternally grateful for the heated blanket that I got him for his side of the bed. He just doesn't care about birthdays. I think I've finally figured out why.

Every day is special for him. Someone pays his bills, makes his coffee, makes his breakfast, lunch and supper. Someone makes sure he has toiletries, clean sheets, clean underwear, does his errands. EVERYDAY is his birthday.

Now he wonders why birthdays are such a big deal for me. All I ask is that I don't have to cook my own supper. Is that too much to ask? It's not like I'm making him wash my panties, fold them up nicely and put them away. He doesn't have to make my coffee, or do a bunch of errands for me or make sure my bed is made. Ok, so I don't have to work. But I did, you know, before. And I still have tons of stuff to do around the house. It's not like I sit on my butt all day.

But that really is the difference between us isn't it. We just want one day where someone else does something for us, something unexpected. I take damn good care of my husband, and all I ask is for one measly day where I don't have to make my own food. I think I'll remind him of that the next time I "pre-heat" his side of the bed for him! And I'm not complaining....just stating a simple fact. So there.

Oh...and Happy Birthday honey! You are officially one year older than me....for the next few months anyway!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Winter driving...

It snowed last night. That in itself is not that big of a deal. After all, this is Canada. But what surprises me, is that it has snowed in a "snow approved" month, and yet people out there still cannot drive!

Now I understand if you are a new immigrant and have never driven in snow before, but even then, wouldn't you get some help with how to drive in snow? Anyone else should be ashamed of themselves! I admit, most people out there today were really good! They went slow, didn't follow to close and were very courteous with merging. But those 2 people that I saw holding up the intersection because they kept gunning the gas, and shinning up the road, and NOT GOING ANYWHERE, well they should seek help.

Let me give them their first tip. ROLL TO START. It's easy, it do it!

Luckily, I do know how to winter drive. I got my licence in the winter and learned. Also, my Dad smacked my if I didn't know what I was doing. It really isn't that hard. Sure there are still times when, even great drivers, will have an issue and slide, or can't get going because the roads are really just that bad. But if it's just you having the issue, and everyone else is going around you because they can, take that as a hint and take a winter driving class.

**Please note** Snow approved months are November, December, January and February. All other months that have snow will be fined....or will have a fist shaken at them at least.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What to do...

Wow, I think I may have to change the blog name from practicalpam, to what the hell am I going to do with my life! It seems to be the trend....what do I want to do...what can I do? I have a job interview this afternoon - I don't really want to work, but I feel like I need to make a change to get out of this rut. Maybe that change will spark something in me and I can decide what I want to be when I grow up.

Do I want to do something with photography, do I want to write, do I want to dance with the Alberta Ballet? Ok that last one is just not going to happen. Besides, I have enough foot problems as it is without adding pointe shoes into the mix!

I know I should be happy and content. I don't HAVE to work, I don't HAVE to do anything I don't want to do. Thanks be to my husband! But that leaves me floundering! I have always done what needs to be done. Now, all that needs to be done is the laundry and the dishes! Is that enough for me? Well let's see, I'm still complaining, so I guess not!

What to do, what to do. Some might envy my position, but being here isn't as grand as I once thought. Left alone with my thoughts, left alone blowing in the wind - it just isn't helping me decide. My biggest problem is I wish someone would come along and say - You should do this, here's how to do it! But then I'd still be incapable of deciding what I "want" to do. I need to find a passion and a way to let that passion out. So until then, I will waffle, and maybe take a job.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I am feeling terribly uninspired lately. I know I've been sick for over a week, well, a week and 2 days to be exact, and maybe that's why I feel so blah. Normally September to me is the start of the new year. A new season, the change of the leaves, new school clothes, excitement, that kind of thing. But this September I just feel drab. I have all sorts of things to look forward to, I just had my 13 year wedding anniversary, off to Vegas in 3 days and things in my life are great. So why do I feel so dumpy? I really hope it's because I am sick, if I feel this way for much longer, I may have to do something serious about it. But what? I am so uninspired, I can't even think of anything that I could do. Sleep? I do that a lot already! I've taken all the over the counter meds that I can get my hands on, I've tried retail therapy. That didn't even end well. I got a bunch of great stuff and then had to sleep all the next day because of it! I feel like I am turning into a whiny man - you know how they are when they get sick. Ok, so I am going to chock it up to being sick. I'll go do stuff and hope this passes soon. Maybe the Vegas sun will save me!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time flies...

When you are trying to stuff as much fun and activities that you can into a summer. The vacation was amazing, but it always is. Vacation with my little family is the best thing that could ever happen. They are easy to travel with and they are so much fun to be around. We did tons of stuff, saw 4 countries and learned that we all hate crowds quite a bit. This summer has also been filled with trips with my sisters and Mom and all the grand kids. That turned out to be fantastic. My older sister and I and the oldest 3 kids got to do a sky trek and it was so cool. Absolutely terrifying, but so much fun! I just wanted to do it again.

Lots of beach time has been had, bike rides, parks, small road trips. I don't want the summer to end, but I never do.

School starts next week and I am torn. I love summer, but I also crave the routine of school life, well for the kids anyway! I have a long list of home improvements to tackle, and I am looking forward to that. My blog will be updated a whole lot more frequently and maybe it will have some actual content instead of just me yapping about how much I love my life. As a side note, I had a job interview, I had to turn it down, but that was a huge ego boost. I also learned how to head the ball and headed the ball 3 times in one soccer game a few weeks ago!

I look forward to writing more soon!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

On hiatus...

I'll be away for the next glorious 3 weeks. I am so happy, the packing is done, but now I have a sore throat. My husband says to take another shot of Mexican D'arist, but I might get drunk if I take one more. The last one helped my tummy be warm, but did nothing for my throat! Anyway - I'll be back with more stories soon to amuse you. As a side note, I played my 4th game and we tied! Great game too! That's it for now, I have to make my last school lunches for this school year, thank goodness, and get my butt to bed!

Monday, June 14, 2010

When you aren't looking...

Strange things happen. I don't really want to work, but I find myself thinking that I'd like to do something that keeps me active in grown up conversations. Something that is for me, as much as a job can be, and something that is interesting. A job offer has come through for me. Right now, being laid off from my job and being on EI, I have a lot of work to do to look for jobs. The jobs out there suck and I don't roll out of bed for less that $20 an hour! But a strange job has opened up that seems to be meant for me. It's 5 days a month, yes, you read that right, 5 days a month. It's not going to pay any bills, but it does pad my pocket with shopping money! I gave them every opportunity to say no, I wouldn't work out. So far, they seem, ok they are, desperate to have me. No one wants this job. Who could work that little? Well I sure could! We'll have to see where this goes, and I am not going to make it obvious to them, but I am really considering this position. It seems right up my alley. I may rejoin the working world again, but it seems, still on my own terms! I love it when things go my way.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Game 2

I had my second official game last night - what a game! I played so much better than I did last game, I had my foot on the ball more times than I can even count. I did a poor play that ended up costing us a goal for the other team, but I'll never make that mistake again. The weather was complete crap, but at least the game didn't get cancelled.
I was really in the game this time - I made a few great moves. I got tackled and went flying to the ground, took a hard ball to the shoulder and a kick to the gut, but man was it worth all that! I really felt like I was doing my part. I also ran my butt off! I can't even imagine not playing soccer now. I really did go into this because of the push from my husband, but I ended up doing it all for me. My husband is now our coach, but it's still all about me! When I am out there, I am not a Mom, or a wife, I am a soccer player. I am an athlete! I feel so alive when I am running full throttle down the field. I am not worried about falling when I run, I'm not even worried about getting hurt. All I care about on that field is playing.
I told my kids that I want them to see me play to see what a person can do. After all that I haven't done in my life, to start playing soccer at 35, that's pretty amazing. I am so proud of myself and I am so happy that I get to keep doing this!
As a side note, there are a few girls on the team that I think could be really good influences for me. It feels so good to be part of something!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Game time!

I had my first official soccer game the other day!!! I was so nervous before the game that I just about puked. I know, very grown up of me. It was a great game, I played almost the full game, I got one shot on net and we tied 1-1. My league is competitive, but in a very friendly way. No one is out there just to win, no one is going to trample you just to get the ball. It was a very friendly game, and it was the best thing I could have asked for as a first timer. I got some helpful tips on my strategy, and I played forward. I was told to hang back, not to even cross the center line, so I didn't. While I was hanging back waiting for stuff to some my way, I was chatting with the other team. I got in a bit of "trouble" as one person told us to get off the field and just go for coffee as we were just chatting so much. Then I was talking with anther girl (from the other team) and she asked how long I'd been playing. I told her it was my first game ever and she game me a hug! That's my kind of game!

The coolest thing ever is that I have my own number, 13, and it is on my very own jersey! My jersey hangs proudly in the laundry room to dry and I get so happy every time I see it. My husband has offered to act as coach when he can, and he and the kids came to see my game. It was very neat to be the one on the field for once. My husband even commented that I run really fast! I loved hearing that. I have another game next week, and I just can't wait to get out there and run my ass of again. There is no better feeling than sprinting down the field with my team. I am just so excited that this has all turned out so well and I am happy to keep playing as long as I can!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I got back on the horse

I was truly upset when I was cut from that soccer team. Even though I KNEW I wasn't good enough to be on a premier team, I was still upset. I thought about the whole soccer thing, did I really want it or did I want it because I thought I should do it? But then I realized that I wanted it for me, something to call my own. Something to be part of. So I sent out a bunch of emails to some contacts and I am happy to report that I have found a team! Again. But this is the real thing. I have my card, I'm registered and I have my name on the team roster! I swear that was the most exciting thing! My name, on a team roster. I went to practice with my new team and I just felt so strong, powerful and alive! I ran, I sweated, I kicked, I rolled my ankle and got right back up again. I loved every second of it. It felt right. I can't believe it took me this long to discover sports.
Everyone needs something to belong to, and I hope I have found my place. (Aside from my adoring husband and wonderful kids) Something that is just for me. I can't wait to have my family watch me from the sidelines and cheer me on. And an added socks go up so high, I never have to worry if I've shaved!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rejection sucks

The topic of today is rejection and the fact that it sucks. It doesn't matter what kind of rejection it is, whether it's a friend who isn't as good of a friend as you thought, or being cut from a soccer team that you knew you weren't good enough for anyway. Rejection is what happens when you put your self out there at the mercy of other people. It's so hard to put yourself out there in the first place, but you do it. You do it to join a team, get a job or make new friends. And I tell you, it doesn't get any easier as you get older. In fact, I think it may be even harder.

As a kid, you put yourself out there because it's fun to try new things. You get rejected from time to time, but it's not so bad because there's more stuff to try, more people to talk to. As you get a little older (I'm talking even 8), you realize that it's harder because, at one point, you've probably been rejected and know what it feels like now. Then, you get even older, say 35. You KNOW what it feels like to be rejected and sometimes you feel like you try, you put yourself out there over and over again, and you get rejected, over and over again. It hurts. It makes you angry or want to cry. Why does this keep happening? You feel so low, because you've had the high of that something new that you want, and when it's not there anymore, you come crashing down.

So what do we do? Do we just give up and stick to what you already have? Well you could. But would that be any fun? What about those things that you might be missing if you just tried a few more times? What about that one person, that if you put yourself out to them, they could be a great friend. Or if you try one more to time to a different team, you might just find what you need. So I guess my only option here is to pick myself up, wipe away the tears and try again. As much as it hurts, I have to. I'd hate to think of what I might miss if I don't. And on that note, I'd hate to see what I wouldn't have, if I hadn't tried in the first place.

I think we are all looking for something, we are all scared to do it and we all feel alone sometimes. But isn't that exactly why we should keep trying?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

And sometimes it pays to be nice...

I just scored the perfect bag to take to Europe. It's a messenger bag that does up on top and has compartments inside and out. I went to Payless and got chatting with the girl that works there, and told her of my dilemma to find the perfect purse to take travelling. I usually carry the camera and water, money, glasses and the odds and ends one needs to be out for the day. I have a few messenger bags but none of them zipper up, so they are not good to be out, especially in crowd dense places where pick pocketing is still a real threat. They didn't have any in the store at that time, but this girl remembered that she had one at home that might just fit the bill. She felt a bit weird offering to sell me a used purse, but it came out before she could stop herself. I was unconvinced that it would be what I wanted. So I stopped in today and the purse was totally perfect! I'm happy and she's happy that her purse will be going to Europe to explore with me! I buy a lot off EBay and have no problems with used or hand me down items - and I saved on shipping and the dreaded search to find the perfect purse. Ahh, the simple things that can make me happy!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Things I didn't know

I've been going to the gym for 61/2 years and I've done a lot of work. I thought I was doing really well until I went to my first ever soccer practice. Yes, you read that right, I am playing soccer. My first practice was outdoors today, in the cold and the wind. My husbands outdoor practice got cancelled because it was cold, and yet there I was, playing outside. Wimps. Anyway, I ran, I did countless drills and I learned that my time in the gym did not prepare me for the grueling game of soccer or running outdoors. My whole body hurts, I am cold and sweaty, but the amazing thing is, I LOVED it!!! What an adrenaline rush! I am not saying I was great, or even all that good, but did it ever feel good to run and kick and work my a$$ off! I am on such a high right now and I can't understand why I never did this before. Oh, right, my husband only registered me behind my back just recently. He thought I'd like it, and he was right! So although I am aware that I am going to feel like I got hit by a truck tomorrow morning, right now, I feel great!! Who knew that competitive sports would become my thing? Next, a game!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mucho Burrito

Ok, so now I am going to add restaurant reviews here too, why not? So I ate at Mucho Burrito today, over by Shawnessy Canadian Tire. The place looks nice, tables and booths to sit at. It's only been open for 3 months and I hadn't tried it until this week. I was pleasantly surprised! The food is good, lots of things to choose from, not menu choices, but toppings and fillings. The menu is not huge, but for Mexican fast food, it's decent. Burritos, quesadillas, taco's, soup, salad, nachos and a kids menu. We had a burrito and the quesadilla's and they were very tasty. The fillings were very fresh and lots to choose from. I had my burrito "smothered", so they put a spicy tomato and corn sauce on top with sour cream and cheese....mucho yummy. I like the medium salsa, not too hot, actually not very spicy at all, but really tasty. I would recommend the place if you like Mexican food. The best part really is how fresh everything is. Check it out online at or go in and eat. They do take out and dine in, it's child friendly, and inexpensive.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Not so smart

Some days I think I am just so smart and organized and then something happens and I come back to reality.

I've been trying to get on top of the family meals and get a bit ahead every day. We go through a lot of eggs, so I bought another 18 pack knowing full well I had 1 1/2 packs still at home. I decided to hard boil the last of the one pack and keep them in the fridge for breakfast or a quick snack. I cut a bunch in half and heated them up on toast with cheese for breakfast. Very yummy! My son didn't want that, he just wanted the eggs by themselves. So threw 2 in the microwave for him. DID YOU KNOW....that eggs will explode in the microwave when they are whole? Well I sure didn't! I mean, looking back at it now, it makes sense. But I didn't have time to think about that while I was patting myself on the back for being so gosh darn organized. Yes, the eggs blew up, well at first, just one of them. Then silly me opened the micro and stood in front of it. The second one blew my face. So I had, quite literally, egg on my face. It hurt a lot!

I told some friends about this at school. One asked if I was doing experiments with the kids again. I should have said yes!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Where there's a will, there's a way

I've been venturing into the world of photography in order to learn some things. I've learned how to watermark my photo's, which I think is very important if you're going to put your pictures on the web. Did you know that you can take pretty much any picture off the web, copy it and use it for whatever you want? Well I know this because I have done just that - to see if it can be done. I don't want my pictures, that I've worked hard to get, to be used by just anybody. I have also looked into stock photography. I was challenged to do something about my desire to become an actual photographer and not just an everyday person that takes pictures. I'm not sure if stock photography will be something I pursue. But in looking at the sites, I've been able to admit out loud, that my photo's are fabulous. And I don't think it's just me that would think so. Saying out loud that I am good at something is not something I've been very good at. So I'll say it here again. My photo's are great! They may not be everyone's taste, but I love them and they are great! I'm working on creating a website designed to show off what I have done. Once they are watermarked and I find the right website venue, I'll put a link here. For now, I'll be happy knowing that I am good at something.

Monday, February 8, 2010

If you like to read..

I just found the coolest thing ever! I read a lot, have I mentioned that? I just found that I can borrow books from any library in the province!!! Yes that statement justifies three exclamation marks, maybe more! I am cheap, I like to read, this is the best news I've had in ages! (aside from 35 is the new 20) I love the library, they have all sorts of books for me to read, for free! But sometimes they don't have all the books I want. I find an author I like, and I like to read everything they have written. Sometimes my library doesn't carry older books, or even newer ones, for what ever reason. Me being the resourceful lassy I am, I typed what I wanted into google, and up popped TAL Online. And the literary gods smiled on me. This really is a thing of wonder and amazement. Imagine the things you can find if you just look. I was so happy, I had to share. I've requested a book, now lets see how long it takes to get to me. When the process has been completed, I'll probably share that too.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Real Reason

The real reason I decided to make this blog, and why I call myself Practical Pamela, was because I wanted to share some of my knowledge. Yes people, I admit it, I am smart. I read a lot, and I mean A LOT! If you've been to my house you will have noticed the many books and magazines that I have scattered throughout the house. They are everywhere! I love to read, it relaxes me, but I also found that I was learning along the way. Novel thought, I know.

Why am I telling you this? I have been writing this blog with just what was on my mind, and that was not what I really wanted to do. The format of this blog will be changing very shortly to include some of my tidbits of knowledge. Stuff I know, stuff I get from magazines, stuff I learn by asking. I am the "know it all" of mundane stuff, and I am ok with that. Everybody is good at something, I am good at collecting. I am not saying that this change will be immediate, but it is what I am working on. Don't worry, I will still throw in my "Pam" theories!

I have also been creating a website for a company and I have learned the awesome talent of linking! It's easy, but so much fun. So I might have a bunch of links to lead you to other blogs, my other blogs,or other sites, so you can get the info you are looking for....or just other fun stuff to read that's easy to find. One day, this will all be worth my time and effort.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Anger is a good bargaining tool..

When used correctly. My advice, stay polite, but persistant. Be calm but persuasive. Don't threaten people.
So I'm off to the store to pick up a new dishwasher, an upgrade of my choice, no extra charge...thank you. Damn I'm good. It just goes to show, when I want something, I get it. And anger, in my case, is very helpful! So I ask, why do I try so hard to be a nicer person? Maybe staying in a level of anger may get me somewhere in life. Back to bitchiness, here I come!

** disclaimer*** anger may not work in all situations. Anger is not to be used while taking certain types of medication. Do not drive while angry. Do not operate heavy machinery while angry. Do not throw things while under the influence of anger. You might throw something that you really like and that would suck if it broke. Do not call your husband, who didn't do anything wrong just yet, while angry. Anger is not for everyone, but don't ask your doctor, because they wouldn't know what to do with that anyway. Do not taunt anger. **

Fueling the anger....

As I write this, I have been letting the phone ring to Future shop for over 5 minutes and they still haven't picked up. I know they're open!!! So the anger is that we got a dishwasher last month....they gave us the wrong one. It took them over a week to get us a new one. That one was plugged in, installed and.........drum roll.....doesn't freakin work!!! So I had to wash all my dishes by hand...YES, BY HAND!!! The horror of it all! So, still waiting for them to pick up the phone. But that's ok, now I'm REALLY mad and they will get an earful from me!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Energy Drinks Part 2

I am still in the experimental stage, today I tried 2 energy shots. They taste terrible, and 2 different kinds do not go together. One tasted like coke syrup, the other, cough medicine. Gross. I felt like throwing up! Luckily, I didn't. My heart didn't race, I didn't have a heart attack or palpitations. I did clean the upstairs of my house, but not in record time, and I can do that without energy drinks. I still feel a bit pukey 2 hours later. Maybe a little shaky too. Maybe I didn't notice the shakes when I was cleaning. Will I do that again? I highly doubt it. The puke factor was way too high, the energy boost not enough. I think this experiment might be over. So in conclusion, I think I may be immune to caffeine after all. If I crash hard later, I let you know. I still have 2 shots left, so if I need to throw up anytime soon, I guess I know what to do with them!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Energy Drinks

They are no good. I've been doing a research project on energy drinks and I just don't get why people use them. They don't work. Well for me anyway. Maybe I really am immune to caffeine. I'm always saying that it doesn't affect me, and not once has any of the energy drinks I've tried affected me. Maybe I need to drink 2 at a time. But does that set me up for bad a heart attack? And bloody hell are they expensive! I am constantly tired, and I'm not sure why. I know that if I don't get enough sleep I will be, but that's obvious. What about when I am getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising? Why am I so tired? I've had all the blood work done, I'm perfectly healthy. So if anyone has any brilliant suggestions, please pass them my way. If I don't figure out something soon, I may be out on the streets looking for speed. OK, I shouldn't say that, I would never do that. Maybe there is something herbal that I don't know about? I know that ice cream isn't the answer, but I'm going to keep hoping it is. Next on the trial list is some green plus stuff....we'll see. If it works, I'll let you know. Until then, I bid you a sleepy adieu!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to square one..

I have been flip flopping on the prospect of getting a "something to do". Not a job - those are very inconvenient, and I don't work well with others when those others try to tell me what to do. And since I'd be the new one, they would. And then I'd end up slapping someone and get fired. SO...that left me with something to do that involved just me. I had some great ideas, thanks to a friend. I though about it, I thought a lot and I decided, for now of course, that I don't want that either. I think I just wanted to know that it was OK that I was doing exactly what I was doing. I think about what other people think far to often sometimes. But my "aha" moment came at a very strange place. I was at a drag show, and damn was it fun, when one of the other girls there was asked what she did. And she replied, "I drive my kids around". But the way she said it told me that was exactly what she wanted to be doing right then. Her kids were older, and they still needed her around, and they wanted her around. I have this fantastic opportunity to just be there for my kids and bum around a bit. What they hell am I complaining about? I have never wanted a career, I think I just wanted to be good at something. But I am. I am a good Mom. My kids adore me and they always want me around. So I am going to take what I have, and run with it. I know I have more moments of "what the hell am I doing with my life", but I'm sure I'll get through those too!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Facebook is evil....

don't get me wrong, I know that it's fun and a great place to keep in touch with people. But when I got off facebook, not one of my facebook "friends" that I spoke to only there, kept in contact with me. I know that facebook has a place, I get the technology stand point that it's easy to keep in touch. But what is also easy is setting yourself up for ANYONE to find you. Yes, I was found by someone that shouldn't have found me. I will call this person a stalker, and that person had no business contacting me and saying the things that they said. So yeah, I think facebook is evil and I got off pretty damn quick. I also think that the Internet is not a safe place in general. You'll notice that I NEVER use my kids or husband's name, nor my last name. I will NEVER post pics of my family. I say this because in the future, I would like this blog to be read by more people, no offense to my current followers! I would also like you, as the people that know me, please don't give my anonymity away! Yes, I'd like to have more followers, yes I'd like to be famous, but anonymously! Sure it's possible. And if it ever gets to the point that it's not, it could happen, I will have myself a large and protective bodyguard and I will refuse to be harassed.
On that note, will I ever go back on facebook? It's possible. If my kids ever want to be on it, I will be on it in a heartbeat keeping an eye on them. So protect yourself, be aware that facebook is NOT private. And if you ever get a friend request from some crazy name, that's me, but I will make sure you know it!