Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Men and Women are so different

It's my husband's birthday and he couldn't care less. I bought him a nice gift, got him a cake and that's about it. Does he want to go out for supper? No. Why not? Well let's see, he doesn't have to ever cook, so what difference does it make it we go out or not? Did he go out for lunch? No - because I made his lunch. He doesn't want presents, although he was eternally grateful for the heated blanket that I got him for his side of the bed. He just doesn't care about birthdays. I think I've finally figured out why.

Every day is special for him. Someone pays his bills, makes his coffee, makes his breakfast, lunch and supper. Someone makes sure he has toiletries, clean sheets, clean underwear, does his errands. EVERYDAY is his birthday.

Now he wonders why birthdays are such a big deal for me. All I ask is that I don't have to cook my own supper. Is that too much to ask? It's not like I'm making him wash my panties, fold them up nicely and put them away. He doesn't have to make my coffee, or do a bunch of errands for me or make sure my bed is made. Ok, so I don't have to work. But I did, you know, before. And I still have tons of stuff to do around the house. It's not like I sit on my butt all day.

But that really is the difference between us isn't it. We just want one day where someone else does something for us, something unexpected. I take damn good care of my husband, and all I ask is for one measly day where I don't have to make my own food. I think I'll remind him of that the next time I "pre-heat" his side of the bed for him! And I'm not complaining....just stating a simple fact. So there.

Oh...and Happy Birthday honey! You are officially one year older than me....for the next few months anyway!

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