Sunday, April 11, 2010

Things I didn't know

I've been going to the gym for 61/2 years and I've done a lot of work. I thought I was doing really well until I went to my first ever soccer practice. Yes, you read that right, I am playing soccer. My first practice was outdoors today, in the cold and the wind. My husbands outdoor practice got cancelled because it was cold, and yet there I was, playing outside. Wimps. Anyway, I ran, I did countless drills and I learned that my time in the gym did not prepare me for the grueling game of soccer or running outdoors. My whole body hurts, I am cold and sweaty, but the amazing thing is, I LOVED it!!! What an adrenaline rush! I am not saying I was great, or even all that good, but did it ever feel good to run and kick and work my a$$ off! I am on such a high right now and I can't understand why I never did this before. Oh, right, my husband only registered me behind my back just recently. He thought I'd like it, and he was right! So although I am aware that I am going to feel like I got hit by a truck tomorrow morning, right now, I feel great!! Who knew that competitive sports would become my thing? Next, a game!

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