Monday, June 14, 2010

When you aren't looking...

Strange things happen. I don't really want to work, but I find myself thinking that I'd like to do something that keeps me active in grown up conversations. Something that is for me, as much as a job can be, and something that is interesting. A job offer has come through for me. Right now, being laid off from my job and being on EI, I have a lot of work to do to look for jobs. The jobs out there suck and I don't roll out of bed for less that $20 an hour! But a strange job has opened up that seems to be meant for me. It's 5 days a month, yes, you read that right, 5 days a month. It's not going to pay any bills, but it does pad my pocket with shopping money! I gave them every opportunity to say no, I wouldn't work out. So far, they seem, ok they are, desperate to have me. No one wants this job. Who could work that little? Well I sure could! We'll have to see where this goes, and I am not going to make it obvious to them, but I am really considering this position. It seems right up my alley. I may rejoin the working world again, but it seems, still on my own terms! I love it when things go my way.

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