Monday, January 4, 2010

Facebook is evil....

don't get me wrong, I know that it's fun and a great place to keep in touch with people. But when I got off facebook, not one of my facebook "friends" that I spoke to only there, kept in contact with me. I know that facebook has a place, I get the technology stand point that it's easy to keep in touch. But what is also easy is setting yourself up for ANYONE to find you. Yes, I was found by someone that shouldn't have found me. I will call this person a stalker, and that person had no business contacting me and saying the things that they said. So yeah, I think facebook is evil and I got off pretty damn quick. I also think that the Internet is not a safe place in general. You'll notice that I NEVER use my kids or husband's name, nor my last name. I will NEVER post pics of my family. I say this because in the future, I would like this blog to be read by more people, no offense to my current followers! I would also like you, as the people that know me, please don't give my anonymity away! Yes, I'd like to have more followers, yes I'd like to be famous, but anonymously! Sure it's possible. And if it ever gets to the point that it's not, it could happen, I will have myself a large and protective bodyguard and I will refuse to be harassed.
On that note, will I ever go back on facebook? It's possible. If my kids ever want to be on it, I will be on it in a heartbeat keeping an eye on them. So protect yourself, be aware that facebook is NOT private. And if you ever get a friend request from some crazy name, that's me, but I will make sure you know it!

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