Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Adult Conversations....but its not what you think

I just had a bunch of the school Mom's over for coffee this morning. We bagged some candy for Easter, talked, had coffee and snacks - and it was all hosted by me! I know, I invited people over to my house willingly!

It's not that I don't like to entertain, but I used to be so high strung about it and now I know that I don't have to be. I decided to have them over because I need to make those connections with people. We have been going out for lunch, a bunch of us, from time to time, and I thought coffee would be a nice (inexpensive) way to chat and discuss whatever.

The coffee couldn't have gone better. It was nice to just sit around and chat, ask opinions, get advice, get contacts for endeavours. It was just a really nice thing to be able to do. I don't have a ton of friends and I really like these girls, why not try to make a bit more out of the friendships.

My daughter is having issues with friends right now and I asked the girls advice. They gave me some good ideas, but the best advice was the fact that I was able to go out on a limb and just invite people into my world. People who are not the same as me - different upbringings, different experiences, different income levels - none of that matters when you have someone that you can talk to. It doesn't matter if they agree with my opinions, it does matter that we can have a conversation, and I leave the conversation feeling like I connected with someone. All these girls are so different, and yet we have the same things going on in our lives.

It was such a relaxed visit. The other girls now feel that we should do this once a month, revolve the location, and I couldn't agree more. For a very long time, I didn't have any friends, and I didn't feel like I needed any. I now feel like I have lots of friends and it feels so good to be able to talk to someone about all sorts of things, trivial, serious, it doesn't matter. It just felt nice to have people around me again. I never used to be alone when I was a teenager, I surrounded myself with people because I always felt so alone. Being with people didn't seem to help, but I kept trying. I don't feel alone anymore - mostly because the relationship with my husband is so good, but I have friends too, and that feels wonderful.

Making a connection with someone is really everything in life. My connection to my kids and husband are paramount, but you add a connection to some friends and life just feels complete. I don't have connections much with my family - my sister, whom I adore, is really all I have, and I wouldn't give her up for the world. But having a few friends that I can talk to on a daily basis really changes how I feel some days. They are there to hug me when I'm upset, and let me yell when I need to. I think it's going to be a whole lot of fun getting to know these girls even better.

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