Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Last week was the worst week I've had in years!

Last week was really bad, it started out on Sunday night when I came home after my soccer game. That part was great, we won 4-2 and I played fairly well. I didn't get a goal, but I have all season for that. My husband wanted to come with me, so my daughter babysat.

We got home to both kids still up and my son leaning over a garbage can. We weren't home for 5 minutes when my son started barfing. Great. He was sick all night, every 2 hours. The next day, he barfed some more but by 11am had finally stopped. We took a 2 hour nap and he was almost all better. I had an appointment so my Mother in Law came over to watch my son. The next few days were very tiring, I tried to get the laundry done, clean the house and all that, but it never happened. I was so tired! Wednesday night my Grandmother passed away. Thursday was my husband's birthday, we went to the Southland leisure Center and it was a lot of fun. They had a "wipeout" style obstacle course in the water. I failed miserably, but still tried it at least a dozen times! Friday, my daughter didn't feel well but went to school anyway. Of course she came home at 10am and I had to cancel my appointment for my feet so I could stay with her.

Saturday I slept in as late as I could because I didn't feel well! That afternoon we went to my parents house. I felt better, and the weekend wasn't so bad. We reminisced about Grandma, her first husband, my Grandfather that I never met and her second husband, the only Grandfather I ever knew. It was a bit tough, but good. Monday was the funeral.

I have no intentions of having another week like that anytime soon. I am TRYING to clean the house still, my son has already called an asked to come home from school. I hate to say no that he can't come home, but I don't really believe that he is that sick. He has a cough and he says his back hurts, but he has been trying to stay home a lot lately. I know that I did that a lot when I was a kid and I guilted my Mom a lot. So much in fact, that she sent me to school when I was really sick, I had to have an emergency appendectomy that night, and I made her pay for that. Sorry Mom! What can you do? You can't let them stay home all the time, and you never know when they are really sick!

So that was my week. This week is short now due to being away for Monday. I feel like I will never catch up! I bought some chairs for the room in the basement. It's either going to be my "office" or I might just call it the "situation room".(It just sounds funny.) That room is painted and ready to use, but I can't seem to find the time to get my ass down there! I hope that one day I can just be caught up and live like a normal person! Until then, I will just plug away and nap when it gets to be too much!

Wish me luck....

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