That's the funny thing, I have never been so busy as I am as a stay at home Mom. I used to work part/full time and I let a lot of things slide. Now I do a lot more because I can. I have just updated the website that I built for an electrical company - it's a lot of work from time to time, but I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to that. I am on the computer a lot and I see the little things that make a website look bad. A lot of web site's are also not very up to date, this one
I have a list as long as my arm of all the things I want to do or get done. I wrote a list last night before I went to sleep, I wrote it in the dark and amazingly, I can read it! It has a few weird things on it, but I guess that's what happens when I am writing while half asleep.
I have today and tomorrow to start my plans, and next week, I am in full action mode. That means going back to the gym, painting, baking, organizing and getting rid of crap that I don't need or want. I am actually quite excited about it. I have been looking around the house for the past 2 months and noticing all the things that need to be done. But I am smart....I don't do any inside work when it is nice out. In Calgary, you don't get nice days often enough to just let them pass by.
September always feels like a new beginning for me. Its the time that everything is fresh and new and you can remake your life again, if you want. In my case, I don't want to remake my life this year, I just want to expand on the things about my life that I already love.
I feel energized and full of plans. I feel like I can do anything, I hope that feeling lasts and I don't need a nap at the end of the day! I figure if I just have a plan and I am organized, I won't get overwhelmed and not do anything.
So here's to September, here's to new ideas, back to the same old, same old, only with a fresh attitude.
Amen sista.