More of what? Everything. I want more kisses, more time with my kids, more time with my husband, more hugs, more adventure, more laughter, more running, more soccer, more rest, more travel, I just want more. I was asked why - why did I want more? Why wouldn't I? Life is awesome and I just want more experiences.
I want to see the world, I have been around Europe quite a bit, and I want to see more of it. I want to see more churches, more architecture, history. I want to see how more people live, more beaches, more monuments. It doesn't matter where we go, even to places I won't go back to, I am always thankful that I have gotten to see that place. No one can take that away from me, no one can take my experiences and my memories. I'm going to Banff soon, and I've been there many times, but this is a new time and I can't wait to see what's there. What we will do, the experience we will have.
I love my husband and kids and I get so put off when people want our time because I just want to be with them. Holding them, talking to them. I can't get enough of them. I love my time alone when the kids are at school and my husband is at work, but I look forward to when they are back with me and they share what they did that day. Even though I wasn't with them, I want to hear about what they did, what they experienced. I just can't get enough.
Now please don't think I am unfulfilled, unsatisfied with life - it's quite the opposite. I am so in love with my life, I want to get as much out of it as I can. Everything that I do is something. I get to learn something new everyday, I get to see something new everyday. I finally understand what it is that I want when I say I want more. I would think that before, and even I didn't get what "more" I wanted, and now I know. I want to feel everything, pain, sadness, happiness, love. I want to take something from every experience and learn from it, grow from it.
It is so important to me to get more out of life - you have to be alive and do the things you do, you might as well enjoy it and take something from everything that you do. Now I don't get a lot from some things, laundry for example, comes to mind. But even that teaches me how to do it right, what not to do next time. I think that people who don't want more are the ones that are missing out.
It's not things that I want more of - ok, maybe more cute shoes or more cardigans (I LOVE cardigans). But I want to have all of those memories so that I can look back on my life and know that I didn't waste a minute away. I did everything that I could, I went on as many adventures, tried as many new things as I could. I can say that I have done all these things and learned something from every single thing that I have done. My life is so full because I dwell on all the things I have gotten to do, and I can keep those feelings and thoughts with me where ever I go. The good things stay with me, and the bad things - what I have learned not to do, that stays with me too. Every little thing that I have done and seen stays with me and makes me the unbreakable person that I am today.
I can't wait for the next little adventure that is as close as my laundry room and as far away as Europe. What will I learn next? I can't wait to find out!