Thursday, October 18, 2012

I took a nap....

I had to, I have been so tired!  I've been doing really well - with the exception of last Saturday when I missed my window to take my medication.  I thought taking one day off wouldn't hurt, well it did, and if I do it again, it might hurt more than just me.  I almost took my husband's head off yelling at him to leave me alone and just let me sleep!  I took 3 naps that day.

I also thought that not taking my night time medication wasn't a big deal either....wrong again.  I have learned my lesson.  Until I have this sleep disorder under control, I am NEVER going to forget my medication again.

My medication is not there to make me feel a bit better, it's not there because I just love the high it gives me.  It doesn't give me a high at all.  It makes it possible for me to get through the day without falling asleep on the couch, or God forbid, at the wheel.  It's not fun, I don't love it.  I think that certain people, who shall remain nameless, just don't understand that this is a medical condition, not just a little problem that I can deal with myself.  It's like having a broken leg, can I live with it, sure.  Will I be able to do normal things, no.

I was kind of secretive about the whole medication thing, I didn't want people to think that I am "on speed" because I want to be.  I also don't like the way some people react when I say I have to take medication to keep me awake during the day and another to put me to sleep at night.  Don't you think I'd rather be able to do those things all by myself?  The medication sucks, the side affects, the dry mouth.  It's not a fun time.

Even without the medication, which I hope to be off someday, I will probably always have to have the mouth appliance.  Yay.  My body is too stupid to wake up and stay up and then shut down and stay down for extended periods of know, for 2 hours or so.  The upside of this whole thing is that someone finally understood that I was more than just tired.  That we have modern science to make sure I can live a productive life, and that this is not life threatening.  I really am thankful for all of that.

Before this, I was a cranky bitch!  I realized that the whole bitch part is kind of my personality, but I think I am way less cranky.  The kids don't agree, but what the heck do they know?  Maybe they just liked it when I was napping and they could do whatever they wanted.  Now that I am awake, I am all over them to do their chores and be active people.

I am up now, and I will get on with my day.  I will try harder to get more sleep.  Can someone please tell my husband that I need more sleep?  He doesn't seem to listen to me.  We have a PVR, record your damn shows honey!

PS...did I mention that I love him even though he drives me crazy?  Just thought I should mention that!

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