Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The reason for the season

My daughter wrote the most beautiful prayer for school, it was so well done, they asked her to read it over the intercom at school tomorrow. It's all about the reason for the season.

I am beginning to enjoy Christmas more now because my family is remembering the reason why we celebrate in the first place. I think that the best celebrations have the best reason's behind them. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, they are all celebrations about things that are bigger than us as as one person. They are about heritage, God, the past, the future. They are more than just lights and gifts, more than just candy canes and decorations.

I think that any kind of celebration of a higher power - be it God or your heritage- should be celebrated with family and friends, and the remembrance of the why we are celebrating. I would never begrudge anyone their celebration, or make fun of why they celebrate. Why should people do that to me about Christmas? What gets me is the people who celebrate Christmas because they can. They get the decorations, the lights, the food and the presents, but all the while, they make fun of God and the reason why Christmas is even celebrated.

You don't have to believe to celebrate, although I think you should, but please don't make fun of why I celebrate. Christmas is about family, giving, spending time together and loving one another, but it also about God and what he did for us.

I see posts about atheism on face book all the time, and that's your choice not to believe, but why make such a spectacle of it? Why not just leave it alone? I don't go around spouting God's word and prayers all the time. If I don't like something, I just don't really talk about it. I hate liver, I don't post that on face book all the time. Who cares if I hate liver - just me - no one else needs to know about that. You can disagree with what I believe all you want, I am truly ok with that, but don't say it to my face. Just leave it alone. I would never make fun of another religion or some one's beliefs. If you do that, I just think that you feel you have something to prove, and it makes you look like an ass. Those people who talk like assholes about not believing in God - maybe you should give up Christmas to make your own point. It is CHRISTmas after all.

So there's my rant for today. Now I am off on a busy day of shopping and wishing people Merry Christmas and God Blessing everyone!

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