Friday, December 16, 2011

It's almost Christmas

And I am almost ready! My Christmas cards are printing as I write - I know they are late, there's no way that they will get out in time for people to get them before Christmas. But then you can get them after Christmas and it's like a little unexpected surprise! That's my theory for today anyway. At least I did them. Most years I am a bit more on top of that kind of think, but my excuse this year is that I transferred from a PC to a Mac and I had a hard time getting my addresses. It's true! A bad excuse, but true.

I finished up my shopping last night with my husband. I would have been done way sooner, but he thinks that he should get to help pick out presents. I don't disagree, but I don't like to leave it to last minute like this. It's all ok, I will just relax and it will all be ok! I even have presents for my family this year. We don't buy presents, but we are allowed to make some, so I have done just that. They will hopefully be ready for Christmas!

I am feeling very good about the next few days, I am not too busy so I can get all the rest of the stuff done that needs to be done. I feel like a bit of weight has come off my shoulders. It's all stuff that I put off because it's going to take too much time or it's something boring that just has to be done, but when I get those things done, I feel like I've actually accomplished something! It's a good feeling. I have to remind myself that those little annoying things aren't so bad and to just get my butt in gear!

So I'm feeling good, in control, on top of things. Let's just see what happens over the next few days and the things that my husband adds to my list! But for now, I am off to get my hip put back into place. Yes I DO feel like an old lady, thanks for asking! But I did put it out in soccer, so I at least have a good reason. So shower, hip and lunch with the ladies. Then off to the edge of town for my daughter's wrestling City Competition - crazy I know- and then hopefully the rest of the night will be spent relaxing at home with my sweet family. Have a happy Friday!

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