If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a teenager, I know that I would laugh at me. I wouldn't believe me, no matter what I said to myself.
I've been thinking a lot about my life and how weird it is to think about how I used to be and what I expected my life was going to be like, compared to how I am now, and what my life is really like. As a teenager, I was a bit rebellious, kind of like a night is kind of dark. I never did what I was told, I hated when people told me what to do, I was rude and mean and I had a real problem with authority figures. I was never into sports, I tried to play volleyball in Junior High and that didn't last long. I tried Tae kwon do, but that also didn't last. I never exercised because I wanted to, I did it if I were forced, or I didn't have a ride somewhere. I was sullen, back talked a lot and I was very self conscious.
Move ahead 20 years and I am not at all like that. I do have a problem with people telling me what do to, but I controlled it when I was working, and now that I don't have a proper job, I have no issues with that. I like the police and am not afraid of them - mostly because I don't do anything that would get them involved in my life in a bad way. I exercise all the time and I do it because I love it. I love the way it makes me feel, I love how strong and powerful I feel at the end of a workout or a soccer game. It is also how I relax. When I work out, it's all about me and what I want to do. I am not a wife or mother, I don't think about the kids or the house work, it's just me and my music. I love playing soccer, a team sport that I love everything about. I love the game, I love getting smashed into the boards, I love beating another girl to the ball, I love shoving my way past people. I love the camaraderie of the team. I am also not self conscious anymore. I love me, the way I look, the way I feel most days. I love to dress myself in cute clothes and accessories. I love to look good and know that I look good. I was at the gym yesterday and checked myself out in the mirror. I was wearing track pants and a black t-shirt, and damn, I looked good!
If I could go back and tell my teenage self about how I am now, I'd think I was crazy. No one can change that much! But you can, if I can go from that sullen, rebellious teen, to the law abiding, gym rat that I am today, I know that people do change. I'd go back and tell myself just to see the look on my face!
Maybe if I could go back, I would have had better self esteem earlier, I would have taken better care of myself and I would have been able to forgive myself for all the stupid things I did a bit earlier than I did. But you know what? I can't. And even if I could, I'm not sure I would change a thing. It was hard work getting to where I am today, and I love where I am, what my life is like. I wouldn't change anything for the fear of not having what I have right now. Everything happens for a reason, and I know that I am the person I am today because of all the stupid things I did, and all that I learned from my mistakes.