Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mother's day

I have just read an article on Mother's day in Real Simple (a magazine) by author Jacquelyn Mitchard. She had the best idea for Mother's day. She had a book, well at this point, many books, and she had her children write or draw in them every Mother's day. I thought this was just the best idea! The kids always do stuff like that in school and they just seem to end up in a box for keeping. I can't get rid of stuff like that.

So the simple solution is to put what they feel about me, or what they want to say or draw into a nice book. I've given my kids the book and their instructions, now I just have to wait patiently for Mother's day to see what they had to say. I hope that they can continue this for a few years so I can have it forever. I hate the fact that they are growing up so quickly and at least this way I can keep a little bit of them little in this book.

I have kept a journal for each of my kids since the day that I found out I was pregnant. I used to write about what they did, what they learned, new things they did as they grew. I still write in them, mostly about funny things they say, creative things they have done, achievements and just sweet things about them. They are kept in the coffee table, but the kids don't read them. I have told them they are not allowed, but also, they can't read my handwriting! They aren't a secret by any means, but I have told them that they will get these journals when they are older. That way they can always see the cool things they did, and just how much I love them. I read them from time to time, I just flip to a page and read what I have written. It makes me so happy to hear about when they were littler, and sometimes it makes me cry to read the sweet things they have done.

I don't really need anything for Mother's day, but the kids always feel like they have to give me something. Now they can give me exactly what I want. My husband can get me stuff that comes from a store. Specifically an e reader....hint..honey..if you're reading this!

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