Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Real Reason

The real reason I decided to make this blog, and why I call myself Practical Pamela, was because I wanted to share some of my knowledge. Yes people, I admit it, I am smart. I read a lot, and I mean A LOT! If you've been to my house you will have noticed the many books and magazines that I have scattered throughout the house. They are everywhere! I love to read, it relaxes me, but I also found that I was learning along the way. Novel thought, I know.

Why am I telling you this? I have been writing this blog with just what was on my mind, and that was not what I really wanted to do. The format of this blog will be changing very shortly to include some of my tidbits of knowledge. Stuff I know, stuff I get from magazines, stuff I learn by asking. I am the "know it all" of mundane stuff, and I am ok with that. Everybody is good at something, I am good at collecting. I am not saying that this change will be immediate, but it is what I am working on. Don't worry, I will still throw in my "Pam" theories!

I have also been creating a website for a company and I have learned the awesome talent of linking! It's easy, but so much fun. So I might have a bunch of links to lead you to other blogs, my other blogs,or other sites, so you can get the info you are looking for....or just other fun stuff to read that's easy to find. One day, this will all be worth my time and effort.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Anger is a good bargaining tool..

When used correctly. My advice, stay polite, but persistant. Be calm but persuasive. Don't threaten people.
So I'm off to the store to pick up a new dishwasher, an upgrade of my choice, no extra charge...thank you. Damn I'm good. It just goes to show, when I want something, I get it. And anger, in my case, is very helpful! So I ask, why do I try so hard to be a nicer person? Maybe staying in a level of anger may get me somewhere in life. Back to bitchiness, here I come!

** disclaimer*** anger may not work in all situations. Anger is not to be used while taking certain types of medication. Do not drive while angry. Do not operate heavy machinery while angry. Do not throw things while under the influence of anger. You might throw something that you really like and that would suck if it broke. Do not call your husband, who didn't do anything wrong just yet, while angry. Anger is not for everyone, but don't ask your doctor, because they wouldn't know what to do with that anyway. Do not taunt anger. **

Fueling the anger....

As I write this, I have been letting the phone ring to Future shop for over 5 minutes and they still haven't picked up. I know they're open!!! So the anger is that we got a dishwasher last month....they gave us the wrong one. It took them over a week to get us a new one. That one was plugged in, installed and.........drum roll.....doesn't freakin work!!! So I had to wash all my dishes by hand...YES, BY HAND!!! The horror of it all! So, still waiting for them to pick up the phone. But that's ok, now I'm REALLY mad and they will get an earful from me!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Energy Drinks Part 2

I am still in the experimental stage, today I tried 2 energy shots. They taste terrible, and 2 different kinds do not go together. One tasted like coke syrup, the other, cough medicine. Gross. I felt like throwing up! Luckily, I didn't. My heart didn't race, I didn't have a heart attack or palpitations. I did clean the upstairs of my house, but not in record time, and I can do that without energy drinks. I still feel a bit pukey 2 hours later. Maybe a little shaky too. Maybe I didn't notice the shakes when I was cleaning. Will I do that again? I highly doubt it. The puke factor was way too high, the energy boost not enough. I think this experiment might be over. So in conclusion, I think I may be immune to caffeine after all. If I crash hard later, I let you know. I still have 2 shots left, so if I need to throw up anytime soon, I guess I know what to do with them!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Energy Drinks

They are no good. I've been doing a research project on energy drinks and I just don't get why people use them. They don't work. Well for me anyway. Maybe I really am immune to caffeine. I'm always saying that it doesn't affect me, and not once has any of the energy drinks I've tried affected me. Maybe I need to drink 2 at a time. But does that set me up for bad a heart attack? And bloody hell are they expensive! I am constantly tired, and I'm not sure why. I know that if I don't get enough sleep I will be, but that's obvious. What about when I am getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising? Why am I so tired? I've had all the blood work done, I'm perfectly healthy. So if anyone has any brilliant suggestions, please pass them my way. If I don't figure out something soon, I may be out on the streets looking for speed. OK, I shouldn't say that, I would never do that. Maybe there is something herbal that I don't know about? I know that ice cream isn't the answer, but I'm going to keep hoping it is. Next on the trial list is some green plus stuff....we'll see. If it works, I'll let you know. Until then, I bid you a sleepy adieu!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to square one..

I have been flip flopping on the prospect of getting a "something to do". Not a job - those are very inconvenient, and I don't work well with others when those others try to tell me what to do. And since I'd be the new one, they would. And then I'd end up slapping someone and get fired. SO...that left me with something to do that involved just me. I had some great ideas, thanks to a friend. I though about it, I thought a lot and I decided, for now of course, that I don't want that either. I think I just wanted to know that it was OK that I was doing exactly what I was doing. I think about what other people think far to often sometimes. But my "aha" moment came at a very strange place. I was at a drag show, and damn was it fun, when one of the other girls there was asked what she did. And she replied, "I drive my kids around". But the way she said it told me that was exactly what she wanted to be doing right then. Her kids were older, and they still needed her around, and they wanted her around. I have this fantastic opportunity to just be there for my kids and bum around a bit. What they hell am I complaining about? I have never wanted a career, I think I just wanted to be good at something. But I am. I am a good Mom. My kids adore me and they always want me around. So I am going to take what I have, and run with it. I know I have more moments of "what the hell am I doing with my life", but I'm sure I'll get through those too!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Facebook is evil....

don't get me wrong, I know that it's fun and a great place to keep in touch with people. But when I got off facebook, not one of my facebook "friends" that I spoke to only there, kept in contact with me. I know that facebook has a place, I get the technology stand point that it's easy to keep in touch. But what is also easy is setting yourself up for ANYONE to find you. Yes, I was found by someone that shouldn't have found me. I will call this person a stalker, and that person had no business contacting me and saying the things that they said. So yeah, I think facebook is evil and I got off pretty damn quick. I also think that the Internet is not a safe place in general. You'll notice that I NEVER use my kids or husband's name, nor my last name. I will NEVER post pics of my family. I say this because in the future, I would like this blog to be read by more people, no offense to my current followers! I would also like you, as the people that know me, please don't give my anonymity away! Yes, I'd like to have more followers, yes I'd like to be famous, but anonymously! Sure it's possible. And if it ever gets to the point that it's not, it could happen, I will have myself a large and protective bodyguard and I will refuse to be harassed.
On that note, will I ever go back on facebook? It's possible. If my kids ever want to be on it, I will be on it in a heartbeat keeping an eye on them. So protect yourself, be aware that facebook is NOT private. And if you ever get a friend request from some crazy name, that's me, but I will make sure you know it!