Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Saturday Night's all right for fighting!

So is a Tuesday afternoon.

Unfortunately I didn't get a fight....and I was so prepared!  I am so sick of people complaining about shit to me that I have no control over.  How about instead of complaining, do something about it!

If you don't like what you've got, why don't you change it?  (And other great 80's songs are just floating around in my head)

Do you think that I like everything that I have to do?  I don't, but there are some things that you just have to pull up your big girl panties and deal with.  I don't want to clean my house, but I want a clean house.  I don't want to fund raise, but I don't want my kids to not get the opportunities that they should be getting.  I don't want to talk to parents about fundraising, or about anything really.  If you have so little in life to do but complain about stuff, then I don't want to talk to you at all.

Life really shouldn't be so painful.  Get the crap done and enjoy the good stuff.  You don't have any good stuff?  Not my problem - go talk to someone who cares.

I am tired of people thinking that they can walk all over me.  I try really hard not to be a bitch, because I don't think it's necessary.  But if I have to be a bitch, well, then I guess I will be.  But I will pull out the bitch only when needed, and try to be nice the rest of the time.  I just don't have the energy to keep up the bitch like I used too.  But I have to hand it to her, the bitch gets stuff done.

There's my rant for today.  If anyone is looking for a fight, I've still got some fight in me.  But after that, I am taking a well deserved nap!  Being sick makes me a little more goal oriented I think.

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