Tuesday, May 1, 2012

No is not in my vocabulary

I ended my last post with the notion that I would say no more often.  It didn't work.

I did say no to a lunch with a person that I used to know, but wasn't really friends with and don't really want to bring back into my life.  That was a good start.

Then I went on to say yes to 3 days of volunteering at the school, one full day of delivering for my soccer club, 4 appointments, being an assistant soccer coach for my daughter's team and one full day at home waiting for the gas meter people.  To defend myself, I did make a promise to help out with my soccer club, I love volunteering at the school and the appointments were really needed.  I also have to get my daughter to her games anyway, and I really like being able to have my say in things.

I don't feel bad or resentful for saying yes to these things, so that must mean that it's ok.  Sometimes I am saying yes to things that I really don't want to do, so that's an improvement at least.  I have an awesome reason now to say no - aka the sleep disorder - that gives me an excuse to say no to the things I really just don't want to do, I have a valid reason for saying no, and I don't feel bad about it.  I guess I just need to practice the art of saying no.

I also know that I am the type of person that NEEDS alone time.  As long as I am not overworking myself, going to the gym enough, not feeling run off my feet and getting enough alone time, I am good.  The second that alone time is being compromised, I feel really bitchy!  Then everything else feels like too much.

I have to admit that I have a pretty cushy life - I don't work, but I also just about had a nervous breakdown a few years ago and I need to make sure that I am taking care of myself so that doesn't happen again.  Yes it was extenuating circumstance, but throughout that whole ordeal, I (finally) realized that I don't deal with stress very well.  My family wants and needs me at home, so for now, that is where I sill stay and keep my life as stress free as possible.  AND I am not going to feel bad about that.

Ok, say no to things I don't want to do, keep saying yes to things I like and be low stress - I hope I can manage to do that.

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