Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Self Imposed Rules

The rules I put upon myself are often the hardest ones to follow. For example, my new rule this week, but for this week only, I am not allowed to nap. Last week I was seriously sleep deprived, it was awful. So I took a nap every afternoon. The problem with that was I took my naps after the kids came home from school. I was napping when I really should have been spending time with the kids. The sleep deprivation coupled with the guilt was terrible!

The kids say that they don't mind it when I nap, and I'm sure they mean that for the most part. That's just not my mothering style. I love my kids and I want to be with them and spend good quality time with them, and I cannot do that while I am asleep. So this week, I am trying to go to bed at a decent hour, and my witching hour, anywhere from 1pm to 4pm, will no longer be available for napping. I don't care if I have to go out everyday at that time, I am not allowing naps.

I was very tired yesterday at that time, but I just didn't allow myself to even think about a nap. By the time bedtime hit, I was exhausted. I fell asleep very quickly last night! Today, I have no idea what I am going to do, but not even allowing a nap as an option, makes me not give in. If I tell myself I can take a nap if I need one, I will ALWAYS need one.

So this is my experiment, as pathetic as it may be.

I have to reform certain areas of my life, and as much as I usually plan for these things, I just have to do it, to get it done. No more planning, just doing. That will be my new motto. I have gotten sick of the procrastination that I have let myself get away with. You know, renew the library books instead of just getting through them. (Photo books that I wanted to peruse) This morning I did what I needed to do with the books, and they are going back to the library so they don't taunt me anymore. Instead of "planning" to reform my eating habits, I am just making better decisions as I eat. I know, what a concept. I promise to myself to become less of a planner and more of a doer.

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