Monday, February 28, 2011

Stillwater Spa at the Hyatt -a review

I was at the Stillwater Spa over the weekend, and I just had to talk about it. I had a deep tissue massage, thanks Ben, and a nourishing facial, thanks Thanh. I cannot even begin to describe how lovely this place is, but I will anyway. As long as you book one treatment, you can stay there all day! I sat in the hot tub, had the massage, relaxed in the relaxation room, they brought me lunch in the lounge, then I had my facial. I sat in the hot tub again, had a snack, read a book, took a nice shower with a rain head shower and massaging jets on my back. They supply the snacks, water, tea, cold cloths for your face, razors, hair name it. I had to pay for lunch, but that is an extra choice that I was very ok with. My friend and I were there from 9am to 4pm.

Now I am not going to tell you that it was cheap, but I don't think cheap when I think spa. I have been to a few "spa's", ones that provide spa services but lack the spa atmosphere. I haven't been to another spa that even compares to the Stillwater. Would I try other places, of course, but this place is great and I highly recommend it. It's the kind of place you can go to with a friend, your spouse, or really, alone if you are keen on that. I am one of those people who can do anything alone and be happy with it. I think that a full day at the spa, alone, would be my idea of heaven!

On to the treatments, the massage was great, Ben didn't talk unless he needed to ask if I was ok, was the pressure good. I could have used a bit more massage on my feet, but for a girl with foot issues, I could have the whole hour dedicated to my feet and still want more. The facial was so nice, hot towels, a mask, exfoliation, extraction, and again, no talking unless it was needed. I am one of those people who prefer the silence. My skin looks really nice and I did buy the exfoliating product as I think it really helped.

They, of course, sell everything they use, but it is never pushed on you. I did get put on the wait list, if you can believe it, for Whoopie cream. It's just lotion, but it smells so amazing! It sells out pretty fast apparently.

So if you need or want to go to the spa, I highly recommend the Stillwater. The atmosphere is so relaxing, and the fact that you can easily(and you are allowed to!) spend the whole day there, makes it the top of my list. Now if I could have the whole place to myself, that would be the only thing that would make this place better!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So much to do, so little time

I feel like I have tons of stuff to get done, and it is never ending. I should really make a list of stuff that I have done and mark all that stuff off so that I feel like I have accomplished something. Cleaned the house, check. Did the laundry, check. Shoveled the walk, check. Had a coffee date, check. Oh, I feel better already!

But now I have to register everyone for soccer, take care of some phone calls, exercise, that might be it! No, I'm sure it's not. I'm sure there are a bunch of little things that I am forgetting! Oh yeah, book vacation plans. But that's the fun one, so I won't complain about that.

Maybe I just worry too much about things. I make all these to do lists in my head, and really, I am putting stuff in there that would only take a few minutes to do. I think my biggest issue right now is that my husband is totally unavailable. I want him to be in on making the plans as it is his money that I am spending. But he's so busy with work, that I have to take care of everything myself. Maybe I'll just take care of EVERYTHING that I don't need his input on, and make a little list of the things I do need him for. But then he complains that I don't include him on things. It's really a no win situation.

Like last year, he was amazed at how little planning our Europe trip took. I had to remind him that I was the one who booked EVERYTHING and he just packed his little speedos in a bag and was ready to go. I swear he had no idea how much it took to get that trip together. How much research I did, and still do every time we go somewhere. Does he think these great hotels and great prices just pop out of my butt?

Ok, I will calm down and continue on my list of never ending to do's. Next up, the dreaded phone calls.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Self Imposed Rules

The rules I put upon myself are often the hardest ones to follow. For example, my new rule this week, but for this week only, I am not allowed to nap. Last week I was seriously sleep deprived, it was awful. So I took a nap every afternoon. The problem with that was I took my naps after the kids came home from school. I was napping when I really should have been spending time with the kids. The sleep deprivation coupled with the guilt was terrible!

The kids say that they don't mind it when I nap, and I'm sure they mean that for the most part. That's just not my mothering style. I love my kids and I want to be with them and spend good quality time with them, and I cannot do that while I am asleep. So this week, I am trying to go to bed at a decent hour, and my witching hour, anywhere from 1pm to 4pm, will no longer be available for napping. I don't care if I have to go out everyday at that time, I am not allowing naps.

I was very tired yesterday at that time, but I just didn't allow myself to even think about a nap. By the time bedtime hit, I was exhausted. I fell asleep very quickly last night! Today, I have no idea what I am going to do, but not even allowing a nap as an option, makes me not give in. If I tell myself I can take a nap if I need one, I will ALWAYS need one.

So this is my experiment, as pathetic as it may be.

I have to reform certain areas of my life, and as much as I usually plan for these things, I just have to do it, to get it done. No more planning, just doing. That will be my new motto. I have gotten sick of the procrastination that I have let myself get away with. You know, renew the library books instead of just getting through them. (Photo books that I wanted to peruse) This morning I did what I needed to do with the books, and they are going back to the library so they don't taunt me anymore. Instead of "planning" to reform my eating habits, I am just making better decisions as I eat. I know, what a concept. I promise to myself to become less of a planner and more of a doer.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The birthday blues....

I was terribly upset and depressed yesterday over the fact that it is my birthday coming up. Contrary to what people might think, I am not upset that I am going to be one year older.

I was upset over the anticipation of disappointment. For years, my birthday was always such a disappointment. I always felt forgotten, and I think I was looking for a bit more attention and fanfare. It's my birthday! The one day of the year that is all mine and I felt that people should just be extra nice to me. Was that too much to ask? Thinking back, I think I expected WAY too much and therefore I got way less that what I was hoping for. Why can't I get a birthday parade?

Now, I think I was depressed because I expect so little. I expect that everyone is going to forget and no one is going to care. Oh whoa is me, I know. But that was yesterday. And what a crappy day that was - I got myself all worked up about it and wallowed in a puddle of self pity.

Luckily, today I woke up with a renewed sense of happiness. It's amazing what a good sleep in, a bit of loud dance music and a quick tidy of the house will do to a mood.(Yes I realize how old that makes me sound. Oh, cleaning makes me happy! No, the cleanliness makes me happy, and the doing it is ok as long as I have music.) So I am feeling much better. The last day of being 35 has been filled with lots of coffee, giggles with the kids, and it's after 3pm and I am still in my pajamas. Not a bad day so far! It will continue with a trek over to the in laws, only made tolerable by my sister in law being there with my sweet niece...and cake that I am bringing, just to make sure that I get good cake. We should be home nice and early, so it should be ok.

Tomorrow will bring a soccer game at an ungodly hour of 8am. I have to get up at 6am just to get there on time! But I assume that I will get a good coffee, even if I have to make it myself. I've already informed my husband that yes, I do need another cake. Cake at his parents house does NOT count. I will also insist of a supper meal that I don't have to make or clean up after. See, I don't ask for much!

So I say, 36? Bring it on. I am finally ready.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I filled the Volvo twice with crap and hauled it all to Value Village. What a great feeling! I swear my husband won't notice all the crap that is suddenly missing from the basement for at least 2 months, if ever. I do have a very sneaky trick though - I use it when it comes to his stuff that I hate. I hide it first, like the clothes that I sneak out of his closet. First it is taken off the hanger and thrown on the floor in a corner. It usually sits there for a least a month, ok, a few months. Then after that it goes into a garbage bag, where it sits until I get my butt in gear and haul it away. He NEVER notices! He never asks where all his shirts go, because he never wears them! He has about 20 shirts that he rotates and that's it. I have gotten rid of all his ugly and ill fitting pants the same way. I am so tricky!

The house doesn't look any different though, because I had all the crap put away already. So it was kind of disappointing to look around and still see all my clutter. But then I looked closely and decided that I still love everything else right now. I can't get rid of any more books, they already have a donate box, I can't get rid of any pictures, and that is all that my clutter consists of. Like a friend of mine once said, "there is a lot to look at in your house". Yes, yes there is. And that is exactly how I like it. I love my stuff.

I did however get a bit of inspiration today at my sister in law's house. We painted my adorable niece's room pink and purple. It made me think that I should repaint my craft room lavender and make it a little more user friendly in there. Now that is a scary place!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is it Spring yet?

I know that the stupid Groundhog in my area is calling for another 6 weeks of winter, and I am not surprised. Did I really think that we were going to get out of this weather hell just yet considering we live in Alberta? No, I didn't. I am not delusional. I am, however, in the mood to spring clean! I can see myself throwing a bunch of crap in the Volvo and donating it to the local Value Village. In fact, I am going to do that right after I finish this.

I still think that "spring" cleaning is stupid - who wants to waste all that time being indoors when it is spring outside? That is why I am voting for a new initiative - Winter cleaning! It just makes a whole lot more sense. You get rid of all that unwanted crap right now and when spring comes, you can throw open the windows and get your butt outside! Take my advice, you'll thank me later.

I have been collecting various items that we no longer need, and have divided them into piles - one to Value Village, one to consign, and one that goes to people that can use it. Yes, that means that my big sister gets my daughter's shoes that no longer fit her. (The fact that my daughter is giving hand me downs to my older sister kind of freaks me out, but what can you do?) I am also going to go around the house and get rid of stuff that I have kept for too long, either because I paid money for it, or it was a gift. Either way, if it doesn't make me happy when I look at it - OUT IT GOES! I don't care who gave it to me. (That being said, I apologize if you gave me something that I don't like, but either don't give me anything, or give me a gift card. And to be honest, I'm fine with nothing! Except for money, which is always my favorite!) And just so you know, I am not in a bad mood, I am just sick of the clutter in my house. My collections are one thing, I love you plates, but if I don't love it, why am I keeping it and letting it make me crazy?

Yes, February is good for only 2 things, cleaning and getting a meal that I didn't cook for my birthday. Oh and a spa day, but that can be done in any month, it doesn't have to be February. I am going to stop ranting right now and fill the Volvo with my unwanted goods!