Saturday, April 26, 2014

Am I even speaking english??

Some days I really wonder if I am speaking a different language than everyone around me.  I think I'm making sense, but maybe I'm not.  I really question my communication skills at times.  (if you read this and I'm not making sense, for the love of God, please tell me!)

Maybe I am speaking English, but the person I am with isn't.  Maybe that's why I can't understand what the heck they are saying.  Maybe I just don't care enough to figure it out?  Do men and women even speak the same language?

I swear, I can't have a conversation with my husband some days.  He thinks he is talking, but he's not making any sense to me.  I think I am making sense and he looks at me like I've grown another head.  I question my sanity a lot when talking to him.  That's just not right.

Maybe I need a brain douche.  Ha, I just had to get that word in there.  But really, I wish there was a product that I could stick in my ear, shake my head around a bit, and all the crazy shit, the unneeded information, the bad memories, the stuff that just doesn't make any sense, would just fall out.  Then I could go on my way, with a clear brain, a clean slate.  That would be super helpful right now.  Like a defrag computer program!

Brain douche, the product you never knew you needed.

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