Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nobody cares!

It's true, nobody cares.  Not in the "oh whoa is me, no one cares, boo hoo" kind of way.

What I mean is, no one really cares what you are doing, unless they do.  No one cares what you ate, how far you ran, what sports you play, how important you THINK you are.  Everyone is so hell bent on telling the world that "I" did this and "I" did that.  Facebook, Instagram, all social media really, was set up so that we could tell the world what we are doing.  You also get that in person too - old fashioned I know.  People tell me all the time about the stuff they do - and some I care about.  Some I care a lot about.  But those other people, they are really telling me why I should think they are important.

I found myself updating my status, I scored a goal, I played a game of soccer, I got a bruise, I volunteer at the school, blah, blah, blah.  No one cares!  And you know what, if they do care, they care and will ask you about it.  Everyone is so self involved, they want to be seen as important.  I have to ask, important to who?  Why do they care if I think they are important?

I am important - to my kids, to my husband, my sisters.  That's all that really matters.  And they will care, they will ask about me, because they want to know me.  All those other people, they could care less what I am doing.  How do I know this?  They DON'T ask about me.  All they care about is telling me about what they did.  And funnily enough, I don't care!  I'm not even sure why I listen to some of these people, its a waste of my time!  I don't care that you ran today, I care if I ran today.  I care about what my kids are doing, how my husband's day was.  They are so important to me, that they don't need to prove that they are important.

I've always wondered why some people seem to think that they are so important.  They walk around telling us that they are important, and we just blindly believe them that they are important.  But I'm tired of it.  I've learned.  I know who is important to me, and who I am important to.  Who are you to tell me that you are important?

I've used the word important so much - it is now meaningless!

I'm not going to do it anymore - if you think you are so important, prove it!  Don't tell me about it!  I got into the whole thing trying to explain my importance, and I realized that I don't have to.  I know who I am important to, I know who is important to me.  That's all I really need.

So when people tell me all about why they are so important, instead of thinking to myself "they must be important....or why do I want to punch you in the face so badly", I will simply understand that I know why that whole spiel bugs me.  I will understand why I have a sudden urge to kick them.  They aren't important to me, and no matter what they say, I will not be convinced.  And the ones that are important to me, I will listen to, and be happy that I know how great they are.

This ended up being a little more "ranty*"  than I thought it would be.  But whatever.  It's also a little "Mr. Brady* speechy".

*Ranty - you know, standing on your soapbox shouting, *Mr. Brady.....long, overdone, repetitive. Yes, ranty and speechy are now words, deal with it!  Not my best work, but I do feel better getting that off my chest!

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