Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to School!

Wow - I didn't mean to take such a long break from writing!

So we are in week 3 of back to school.  I took the whole first week off for myself and did some shopping!  My present to me for surviving the summer (and for not having a minute of alone time for 2 months) was a new purse.  Trust me, it was needed.  The old one had it's insides showing!  So I got a new purse that I love, it's very colorful, and maybe a bit on the too big size.  I keep losing stuff in there. I also got 2 new pairs of jeans as all my other pants were too big!  Yay me.

After that, I just puttered around in the stores being by myself, looking at fun stuff, and enjoying the silence.

Last week went by in a haze, I'm not sure what happened other than I had my 2 last soccer games.  I pulled my hamstring in the first one, so I played net for the second half - luckily we won the game.  The 2nd game, I played net for the whole game and only let in one goal.  Unfortunately we didn't even score one, so our perfect season was totally tarnished!  We still won first place in our division, so it's back up a level next season in outdoor.  I actually think we will do just fine.

We did get the fence between our house and the neighbors done, the house is pretty clean, the laundry is almost done and I feel like I am starting to catch up on things.

This week will be a blur of organizing, purging crap that we don't need - I've already done my and my daughter's closets.  I've got school council meetings, a hypnotherapy appointment (more on that later) and my 15th wedding anniversary on Thursday!!!!!  15 years!!!  I look way too young for that to be true!  he he

The kids are thrilled with their classes and teacher's, I am happy to have my alone time back and I am feeling so positive and motivated right now.  I feel like I've got so much stuff to do, and I am actually looking forward to doing it.

Yes, September is always a fresh start for me!

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