I don't need to be working, I don't need to be doing anything that I am not already doing or not wanting to do. My place is at home with my kids, where ever my husband needs me, at the school with my kids and other kids, on the soccer field with my team, on the soccer field with my daughter's team, running, being around for my sister and her family, and being with my friends.
I sometimes thought that I needed a better purpose in life, but what better purpose than the one that puts me in a place where I can affect so many people in such a good way? What would a job give me? Nothing that I need. I get plenty of socialization, I don't need the money - what my husband makes is just enough to keep us where we are, and I don't need more that than. A sense of worth? I've got that too. I volunteer so much time at the school and with soccer, I have a huge sense of worth. I feel it every time a kid waves at me at school, I feel it every time one of those kids knows my name and asks me for help, or just talks to me. I feel it every time a kid gets hurt on the field and I am there to pick her up.
I am just so thankful to be where I am. Some days aren't this great, and I think, is this all there is? Laundry, cooking, cleaning. But then I remember what I do on the other days and I remember, my place is here. I can help my friends, I can help the kids, and that makes me feel just great .
I was at a volunteer sign up post yesterday and out of the 400 people that showed up to the BBQ, I got 2 people to sign up and volunteer. I wasn't surprised, but I was still disappointed. But then I thought to myself, that is why I am here. That is where I make the difference. A lot of those parents don't care what their kids are up to at school, but I do. They don't know that their kid had a bad day, but I know, and I was there to try and make it better.
I can't save the world, but I can make a difference. I made a tri fold for the event listing what needs to be done, and why it is important. It hit me, that's what I want to do. It's not just a thing to do right now while I'm not working, it's what I always want to do. I want to be that Mom that everyone knows and talks to. I want to be that Mom that bandages someone else's child's knee. I want to be that Mom that hands out hugs to anyone that needs one. I want to be that Mom that my own kid thinks is amazing. It's what I am good at.
Gandhi once said, "The best way to find yourself, is
to lose yourself in the service of others."
That's my plan - and I have found out so much about myself, and I'll always be glad that I am able to do exactly what I am doing.
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