Monday, August 29, 2011

My most embarrassing moment realized

I was in BC the other day on the "Sky Trek" just outside Revelstoke, located beside the Enchanted Forest. I love this place, everything about it. The way the air smells so earthy, the lushness of the trees, the coolness of the shade and of course, the blazing sun! There are so many things to do in this area that we just don't seem to have in Calgary.

The first stop on our excursion was the Sky Trek. It is a tree top challenge, ok, not tree top, but up in the trees. It's an obstacle course combined with zip lines. What a blast this place is. My daughter who is 12 and my 8 year old son got to go up with me, along with my sister and nephews. My son just barely met the height requirement, but he did, and he was able to do this challenge for the first time. The rest of us did this last year as well.

We did great, you hook in with your carabiners and go along the challenge in a 4 step course. First was the green course, which is the easiest and the shortest. There are a bunch of different games to go through and at the end, you get a double zip line. This was really fun, a bit challenging, but we did great. Even my son - actually, he shocked me how well he did. It was like he was made for it! Next was the blue course, it got a little harder and that ended with a zip line and a 20 foot rock climb wall to get to the black course. The rock climb should have been easier this year, but the line kept getting stuck, so a few of us had some scary moments. A little bit of crying and some struggles later, you get to zip line again. After the zip line, you have to climb about 30 feet on a ladder to the big zip line. This is where my most embarrassing moment happened.

The zip line is a lot of fun, you get to slide through the air so free. But at the end, that's where the trouble starts. The kids got through this part just great, but I went really fast, and I smacked my butt on the padded ledge at the end. So you see, I was backwards, which is not a great position to be in. I tried to grab the rope to pull myself in, and I got the rope, but I was too far away, so I let go and tried again. Same result, I went in backwards and couldn't get myself close enough to pull myself in. I was just unable to pull my body weight that far. So I had to let go again, and I just stopped in the middle. That's when Johnny had to come to my rescue. How embarrassing. I had to just hang there until someone could get me. I know it doesn't seem like much, but that is one of my worst fears. Fortunately, Johnny was really nice about it, he hauled me back in and I got back up the course. I thanked him for rescuing me, and he reminded me that I was not in fact rescued, I was merely assisted as I was able to get back on the course. So now I no longer have a fear of being rescued! That harness hurt me a bit, but other than that, I came out of the incident unscathed!

We didn't go on to the double black - some of us got freaked out by a skateboard game, that one terrified me. That is the toughest course and we just weren't ready for it. But we didn't make it to black last year, so I consider the trek a success.

Would I do the tree trek again? Without hesitation! It is such a physical challenge, it makes me feel like I can do anything! The kids had a blast, my son did amazing well, but then, so did my daughter. I am so proud of us that we are capable of such activities. The only problem now is finding things that that in Calgary. What a fun way to get a great workout!

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