Thursday, May 5, 2011

Boot Camp!

I have done boot camp twice this week, Monday and Wednesday night. Tuesday my abs hurt, last night, my whole body hurt with the exception of only my elbows!

I wasn't sure what to expect, but when I showed up Monday night, there was about 50 people there! I didn't think it would be such a big class. To be honest, I thought it would be hard with that many people, but it really wasn't. We did a warm up, then we did 6 exercises for 1 1/2 minutes each, with not much break in between. After the 6 exercises, we had a 2 minute break. Then we did the same thing again. After that was a cool down and a bit of stretching. It was a bit less than an hour as it was the first class and there was paperwork to be done. Last night we did warm up - jogging - and then right into exercises. We did a new 6 exercises, then the 2 minute break and the 6 exercises again. These were all done for just one minute. After that, we did 4 new exercises, for one minute each then a minute break in between. Then we did the 4 again and then cool down and stretching.

The thing I love about boot camp is that I am not the least fit out there - I am not the most fit either, but I think that no one is really watching me anyway. I also love that each exercise in only a minute to a minute and half. I can do anything for that long. They also do that as they expect you to go as hard as you can for that short time.

Our boot camp is outdoors, which I love. The trainer, Katy, is really sweet, but tough. She really does a great job of showing how each exercise is done and comes around to help those who are doing it wrong.

I have been a bit of a crazy person this week with boot camp and all the other stuff I have been doing. I ran on Monday as well as boot camp, ran and did weights and then ran again at night on Tuesday and then just boot camp last night. Today I am going to run just tonight. I have lost 2 pounds already, I have been eating really well, but I snuck in ice cream last night as a treat for being so awesome. Being this awesome screams for ice cream!

I've got boot camp twice a week for the next 5 weeks and I am going to love every minute of it. It really makes me motivated to do more. I know, how weird is that? I felt like running after Monday nights session, I just felt so energized. My boot camp is out of World Health, but I have seen tons of other boot camps being offered. If you have ever been inclined to do one, I would highly suggest it. It is a lot of fun - I mean it! Take this from the former non exerciser turned gym rat! Everyone complains and jokes the entire time, it's good for everyone no matter what your fitness level, and really, what have you got to lose? My only advice, get one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg just in case you hate it!(which you won't, but still) Mine only cost $40 as I mentioned last post, and it will be worth every last penny!

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