Monday, December 7, 2009

Irrational Fears

I am afraid of my pantry. I know, it's silly, but what can I do? How can I conquer my fears? Now please allow me to explain, I do have a reason. One night, I was multitasking. A habit that I have, and cannot get away from. I brought my big garbage bag in the house to get all the garbage dumped in there quickly. You may have guessed already, but there was a mouse in that garbage! It jumped out of the bag and scurried around the house like a little....well, like a terrified mouse. I dare say I was a bit more on edge. I do have a "mouse scream". It is unmistakable. So this mouse runs around my sanitized house, and touches everything as I am screaming. After what felt like hours, my dear sweet husband caught the damn thing and got it outside. 2 days later, I learned that the kids both have the "mouse scream'' too. They opened the garage door and a mouse flew out of the garbage and freaked them out. So I have been dreaming of mice, I am afraid of the basement and I am seriously afraid of the pantry. Irrational? Maybe. But I'm still scared! Do I tell myself that they cannot hurt me? Well I know that! But what if it touches me and I get a disease?? They are filthy little creatures! So that's it....every time I go into the pantry I flinch. Same with the basement. Last night I stepped on my husband's slippers in the body clenched. There is no point here, no practical solution. Ok, maybe one.....don't be dumb like me and bring garbage in from the outside!


  1. I understand. I soooooooo understand.

    On a completely unrelated note, it might be fun if you post pictures of scary places, like the pantry.

    It might also be fun for you to show us your ongoing creative work in reno-ing the bathroom. I know there are plenty of googly-eye photo-ops.

  2. I am so not taking a picture of my messy pantry, do we want to scare people off? But you have a point with the googly eyes. I am going to start carrying them with me and strategically placing them in other people's homes! ha ha ha

  3. Chicken. If you show me yours I'll show you mine....!

  4. Ohhh, is that a dare??!! besides, I've seen's like organization utopia there!
