Monday, November 30, 2009


So many reasons to celebrate! I have a stalker..I mean follower! It looks like a shadowy stalker, but that's ok...I know who it is. Another hooray - I just brought home my brand new Volvo XC 60! It's awesome. It has bluetooth, which I actually know what that is and how to use it. It has Nav...although I am sure I will still get lost, or as I like to call it, "go on adventures", from time to time. I love it. The only thing I am not thrilled about is the color. My son calls it the Poopy Poo, so yes, it is brown. But hey, brown's making a comeback! Well, no, it's not, but whatever. I am a rebel.


  1. I had a truck once that I affectionately called 'Baby Poo Brown', until my father (who gave it to me) heard me, and read me the riot act. He did not find it at all witty.

    On an entirely unrelated note: to those who might be interested, and wondering what interesting jobs might be out there of the non-typical variety, check out

  2. What made you decide to trade Audi for Volvo?
    (not that I plan to replicate... I traded a 12 year old Neon for a Hyundai. Blame the Amish ancestors...)

  3. So I had the audi and a grand caravan. We thought it would be fun to have a winter car and a summer was for a while. Then it just got to the point where we had too many cars. (We also have a company car) The audi just wasn't a practical family vehicle, and princess here didn't want just a minivan, so we went for middle ground! I think this one will be with us a long time!
